2021-09-21 PA UpdateProsecuting Attorney Update September 21, 2021 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Eric Eisenberg, Andrew Logerwell, Amber Smith, Steve Wohld, Bob Weidner, Brittani Bonahoom, Becky Butler, Chris Panush, Austin Majors, Tammy Martin, Natalie Dunlap Guest: The Chronicle Recorder: Rieva Lester Federal obligations to Lewis County Bob Weidner discussed federal obligations to Lewis County. He said he has been working to get Secure Rural Schools funding included in any bills the federal government passes. Bob discussed the history of Secure Rural Schools. He noted that Lewis County can now make decisions regarding how to allocate funding for Title II and Title III, an ability that had been frozen for several years. Bob outlined his work on Payment In Lieu of Taxes funding Lewis County receives. Becky noted that Lewis County stopped allocating to Title III years ago. Bob discussed work being done to help with Treasury’s guidelines regarding American Rescue Plan Act funding for Secure Rural Schools. Special project DPA position Eric Eisenberg discussed a request from the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to create a special project Deputy Prosecuting Attorney (DPA) position. Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the creation of the special project DPA position. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Executive session At 2:24 p.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 20 minutes to discuss the following: • Northern Spotted Owl litigation • Hampton tax litigation • Water District No. 2 v. Lewis County • September 9, 2021 announcement Executive session started at 2:25 p.m. At 2:45 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. Executive Session ended at 2:50 p.m. Commissioner Pollock noted that no decisions had been made. Eric Eisenberg said Lewis County has been asked to contribute $3,000 toward the $30,000 the American Forest Resource Council (AFRC) has spent on studies. Commissioner Swope made a motion to have Lewis County contribute $3,000 toward the $30,000 the AFRC has spent on studies. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Meeting ended at 2:53 p.m.