1- Adams_SalaryBreakdown_BOCCsheetJason Adams (Master Gardener/Master Recycler-Composter Coordinator) Salary Breakdown for 2022 – Current (or “Business as Usual”) Total Salary and Benefits: $75,167.04 (Salary – $49,452, Benefits – $25,715.04) County Portion: Salary – $12,363 Benefits – $25,715 Total – $38,078 Recycling Program Portion: Salary - $24,726 Benefits - $0 Total – $24,726 MG Foundation Portion: Salary - $12,363 Benefits - $0 Total - $12,363 Proposed Changes: - Have Jason’s benefits covered by WSU - Remove MG Foundation funding and split salary even between county core budget and recycling program funds Salary Breakdown for 2022 - Proposed Total Salary and Benefits: $75,167.04 (Salary – $49,452, Benefits – $25,715.04) WSU Portion: Salary - $0 Benefits - $25,715 Total - $25,715 County Portion: Salary – $24,726 Benefits – $0 Total – $24,726 Recycling Program Portion: Salary - $24,726 Benefits - $0 Total - $24,726 MG Foundation Portion: Salary - $0 Benefits - $0 Total - $0 Savings to County ($38,078 - $24,726) = $13,352