5- 060 Coroner Increase_Request_Form_20222022 EXPENDITURE INCREASE REQUEST FORM Office/Department: Contact Name Request For Budget Increase Fund/Department Number: Status: New or Enhancement Establishing: (One time or Ongoing expenditure) Total Request: Source of Funds: Explanation of Source of other funding: The Prosecutor has pledged $50,000 in funding to our budget again due to the collaboration with their office and JNET by our office in investigating drug overdose cases. Use of Funds: Description 3 additional FTEs Brief Description of Program or Service Enhancement: 3 FTEs would bring the entire office to FTE status. The position requires obtaining national certification and a high level of training to perform a job that is vital to public safety. Current staffing is 2 FTEs and 5 "casual help". The "casual help" are doing the exact same job as the FTEs. Advantages of Approval: The addition of 3 FTEs would mean the office was fully staffed by FTEs. There would be no need for casual staff any longer and the staff would be compensated appropriately for the professional and difficult job they are doing, Implications of Denial: The office would still have to rely on casual help for the majority of the work. The county definition of casual help is an employee hired to work "intermittently as needed". The casual staff (three of whom have been here over 2 years) work assigned shifts every week all year long and certainly do no fall under the category of "intermittently as needed". It is not right to treat county employees this way asking them to continually do a difficult job, that most people could not or do not want to do, and not compensate them accordingly. Budget Department Use Only Approval Status: Budget Status: Added to Budget Detail cc: Office/Dept. Initials: 243000 Other ORG CODE # (no object required) 510000 Total Request 06056320 New Ongoing If Other, Please Explain Below Expenditure Amount $$ 193000 193000