2021-10-05 Budget MeetingBudget Meeting October 5, 2021 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Austin Majors, Gwen Reed, Tammy Martin Guest: Frank Corbin Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler reviewed the preliminary budget for 2022. Among the highlights she reviewed: • The 2022 preliminary budget for all funds reflects revenues estimated at $144.3 million and expenditures estimated at $159.9 million. • The 2022 preliminary budget for the General Fund reflects a beginning fund balance of roughly $14.1 million, revenues projected at $42.3 million and expenditures estimated at $44.9 million. • Unanticipated revenue as well as savings from vacant positions will likely change the final results. • Savings from vacant positions and retirements typically average $500,000 to $1 million annually. • Department heads and electeds have submitted budget increase requests totaling $1.4 million above the submitted 2022 preliminary budget. Meetings in October with the BOCC and Citizens Budget Committee will allow elected officials and department directors an opportunity to discuss their requests. • Decisions on budget increases will be made in November after all budget meetings have concluded. • The Assessor’s Office is continuing work to identify new construction revenues, which will be included once they are more solidified. • District Court fines and fees are expected to decrease 11 percent as a result of new legislation. • The preliminary budget reflects directives outlined in the county’s Strategic Plan. Becky outlined the next steps in the budget process as the following: • Upload data into OpenGov. • Hold all-day Budget meetings Oct. 6 and Oct. 18. • Hold an informational Budget presentation in November. • Meet with the Assessor to discuss property taxes. Meeting ended at 11:12 a.m.