2021-10-20 ESC-Directors UpdateESC / Directors’ Update October 20, 2021 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, JP Anderson, Matt Jaeger, Becky Butler, Chris Panush, Austin Majors, Stephanie Miller, Matt Patana, Andrew Logerwell, Doug Carey, Scott Tinney, Josh Metcalf, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Bill Teitzel, Arny Davis, Alison Puckett, Brittni Rogers, Connie Riker, Graham Gowing, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Meja Handlen, Patrick Shults, Sherri Dokken, Steve Wohld, Susie Palmateer, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Dianne Dorey (9:06 a.m.), Larry Grove Guests: Nic Scott, Eric Rosane Recorder: Rieva Lester ESC American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding: Becky Butler said the Polco citizen engagement postcards will go out soon. She said the company has press release templates that Austin Majors will work on. OpenGov: Becky said work continues on the public portal that will provide access to budget information. Safety plans: Erik Martin said Dianne Dorey has expressed concerns regarding continuity of safety plans. Josh Metcalf said he would have staff again reach out. Dianne joined at 9:06 a.m. Dianne said the county’s various offices have been asked to work on safety plans. She said the ESC group needs to collaborate on safety plans, not operate as silos. She said she would work with the Department of Emergency Management to identify stakeholders who should work on a collaborative plan. Roundtable: Rieva Lester noted that staff is working on rescheduling the Legislative Roundtable. Erik Martin said the BOCC office will close early the following week to prepare for the service for Commissioner Stamper. COVID-19: JP Anderson provided the following update regarding COVID-19 cases in Lewis County for the reporting week of Oct. 10-16, 2021: • 213 new cases, an increase from the previous reporting week. • 28 new hospitalizations, an increase from the previous reporting week. • 6 new deaths, a decrease from the previous reporting week. DIRECTORS’ UPDATE (9:11 a.m.) Patrick Shults discussed a resolution to approve a memorandum of agreement between Lewis County and Washington State University (WSU) Extension. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve an agreement for CJTA Funded Treatment and Recovery Support Services between Cascade Mental Health and Lewis County Public Health & Social Services (PHSS). Becky Butler discussed a hearing for the Lewis County 2021 budget, emergency and supplemental appropriations to and transfers within current expense and other funds. Mindy Brooks discussed a hearing to adopt Ordinance 1330 to repeal and replace Chapter 17.12, Public Participation, and amend Chapter 17.05, General Provisions, of the Lewis County Code. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move two consent items, two deliberation items and two hearings to the Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Rieva noted that Public Health and Social Services is working on two late adds for the following week: • Request for proposals (RFP) for COVID-19 testing. • Resolution to approve an agreement between Lewis County and the Department of Commerce to provide funds through the housing assistance unit Eviction Rental Assistance Program Grant in the amount of $6,505,059. JP Anderson provided information about the two late adds. COVID-19: JP Anderson discussed the proposed RFP for COVID-19 testing. Announcements Becky extended kudos to the GIS department for its work. She said the board will review budget requests Nov. 9. Becky said OpenGov outreach continues and that she is working with HR to improve efficiencies in Munis. She noted that IT is working on an update for Tyler Cashiering. Doug Carey said the Law and Justice Center paint project has been completed. Dianne Dorey said new construction for residential – and Lowe’s – has added $350 million in assessed value to the county. Josh Metcalf discussed computer system upgrades for Public Works that will affect fuel cards. Josh discussed delivery delays for ordered vehicles and other supplies. Matt Patana discussed Facilities projects, such as a BOCC vestibule and upgrades at the Assessor’s Office, Treasurer’s Office, Public Health and Social Services, and the Jail. Connie Riker said work continues on process improvement plans for the Fair and Recreation. Wednesday Workshop Boards and committees: The commissioners said they would leave the EDC representative role unfilled for now. Employee recognition: Commissioner Pollock noted that Employee recognition will be Oct. 26. Resolution 21-373: Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve Resolution 21-373: Appoint Maritza Bravo to fill a vacancy on the Lewis County Dangerous Animal Designation (DAD) Board. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Polco citizen engagement: Becky said corrections for the final draft of the postcard have been sent to Polco. Drug Court remodel: Becky said there are three funding sources to consider using for the Drug Court remodel: capital fund using Real Estate Excise Tax (REET), the General Fund or the mental health tax fund. Doug discussed the difference between REET 1 or REET 2. Stephanie Miller discussed the project, which she estimated at $20,000. The commissioners directed staff to use the more restrictive funding source to cover the project. Countywide flag-lowering in honor of Commissioner Stamper: The commissioners directed staff to lower county flags to half-staff Oct. 25-28 in honor of Commissioner Stamper. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.