2021-10-25 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update October 25, 2021 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Austin Majors, Chris Panush, Josh Metcalf, Alison Puckett, Katie Conradi, Tammy Martin, Tiffanie Morgan Guests: Bill Serrahn, Eric Rosane, Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Becky Butler said the commissioners will meet with Dianne Dorey on Oct. 26 to discuss property tax levies, bank capacities, timelines, etc. Broadband Becky and Erik Martin said Commerce is reviewing applications received and will indicate Nov. 8 which proposed projects are eligible for broadband funding. Public Health and Social Services Childcare survey: Erik said 153 county employees responded to a survey issued Sept. 22-29. He reviewed some of the findings as follows: • Two-thirds of county employees who responded to a recent survey indicated they have a child in their come. Two-thirds of those indicated the children are school-age. • Half of all respondents said they’ve had challenges associated with childcare. • Many employees feel there are inconsistencies regarding mask use, social distancing, workplace flexibility. • Many employees were unaware of the COVID leave bank. • Many employees feel communication needs to be improved. 911 DELTAWRX contract: Erik said the cost of phase II contract would be $115,000. He suggested paying for it through 911. The commissioners directed Erik to move forward with the contract. Erik said he would bring the contract forward via resolution. Community Development Packwood sub-area plan: Lee Napier said she and Mindy Brooks are working on a Packwood sub-area plan that would help address the opportunities and tremendous growth in the Packwood area. Lee said the sub-area plan would allow the county to help the community plan for growth. Internal Services Capital Facilities update: Steve Wohld gave the following updates: • Juvenile project has kicked off. • Abatement for the Community Development / Environmental Health area is nearly complete. • Dry rot at Law and Justice has been completed and painting is nearly complete. • Community Development / Environmental Health project will go out to bid Nov. 3. • Much of the demolition on county-owned properties is complete. • Repairs to the Health Department’s plumbing failure is wrapping up. Estimated cost is $125,000, of which the county had to pay $5,000 because it was an insurance claim. • Construction at Chehalis ridge site is being completed in advance of the tower’s arrival, which likely will save time and money. • Internal Services is looking to change how the county sells surplus property, a change that likely will result in better sales prices. • The county faces $3 million in upgrade needs to meet the state’s new energy requirements. Some of those costs will be recouped quickly in energy savings. Erik said he plans to meet with key staff to review special projects, such as the Packwood Sewer Project, the water-banking project and others. Erik said the flood meeting is planned for later in the day. He noted Public Works is busy prepping for winter weather. Meeting adjourned at 11:31 a.m.