2021-10-27 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update October 27, 2021 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, JP Anderson, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Chris Panush, Connie Riker, Josh Metcalf, Austin Majors, Alison Puckettt, Katie Conradi, Mindy Brooks, Patrick Shults, Sherri Dokken, Tiffanie Morgan Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester COVID-19 JP Anderson provided an update on COVID-19 cases countywide. He noted the following: • Lewis County saw 190 new cases and five new deaths for the reporting week of Oct. 17-23. • Dr. Krager plans to host a vaccine Q and A in response to requests from area schools. • Testing for schoolkids continues at the fairgrounds. JP noted that the state would fund operations of Discovery. Directors’ Update Connie Riker discussed a request for proposals (RFP) for the production of the 2022 Lewis County Rodeo on Saturday, August 20, 2022, during the Southwest Washington Fair. Josh Metcalf discussed a notice for a hearing for the proposed 2022 Annual Construction Program (ACP) and Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the years 2022-2027. Becky Butler discussed a notice for the Lewis County preliminary budget for 2022. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing to approve a franchise to Larson Dairy LLC to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities in Lewis County road rights of way. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing to approve a franchise to Boistfort Valley Water to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities in Lewis County road rights of way. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move three notice items, two consent items and two hearings to the Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Announcements The group discussed plans for the Oct. 28 memorial service for Commissioner Stamper. Josh Metcalf provided an update on Public Works projects. Connie Riker said the fairgrounds has been hosting an average of two events per weekend. Patrick Shults said he is starting a forestry podcast. Becky said the Polco postcards will be mailed out beginning Oct. 29. Wednesday Workshop Commissioner District 3 vacancy: The commissioners directed staff to reach out to the Republican Committee’s finalists for interviews to be held Nov. 1. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m.