2021-12-13 Auditor Treasurer updateAuditor / Treasurer Update December 13, 2021 10:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Arny Davis, Grace Jimenez, Austin Majors, Rodney Reynolds, Katie Conradi, Larry Grove (10:11 a.m.), Michelle Sauter Guest: None Recorder: Tammy Martin Rodney Reynolds updated the Commissioners on the current investment strategy. The month of November earned 26 basis. Rodney said short-term and long-term investments are up. Lewis County’s current expense balance is much healthier than in years past. Rodney said approximately $300,000 more in revenue has been received for Lodging Tax than in 2020. Rodney said the revenue status is 92% completed for the year with the month of December left to finish. Arny Davis is requesting the Commissioners approve a budget adjustment to two positions within his office. There is a request for $10,536. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve a budget amendment request for $10,536 for salary and benefits for the chief deputy pay increase and the investment officer position. Commissioner Swope seconded. Passed 3-0. Grace Jimenez said her office is watching budgets closely. Grace is gearing up for year-end reporting. The State Auditor’s Office Exit review will be at 10 a.m., December 15. Larry Grove said the recount for the last election matched the original count. He said his office is gearing up for February 2022 elections. There will be 12 drop boxes open. He is reviewing applications for two positions that were recently posted. He has an employee out on leave for disability and one retirement coming up. Meeting ended at 10:38 a.m.