2021-11-08 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update November 8, 2021 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Matt Jaeger, Austin Majors, Matt Jaeger, Chris Panush, Josh Metcalf, JP Anderson, Lee Grose, Lara McRea, Becky Butler, Alison Puckett, Doug Carey, Lee Napier, Tom Stanton, Katie Conradi, Ross McDowell, Connie Riker, Tiffanie Morgan Guests: Frank Corbin, Eric Rosane Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Becky said she will meet with the commissioners Nov. 9 to discuss 2022 funding requests submitted by the various offices and departments. Becky said she would like all decisions to be made by Dec. 6. Legislative Roundtable agenda Erik Martin asked the commissioners to review topics for the upcoming Legislative Roundtable. Erik said he would like to leave 911 radio infrastructure on the agenda as a funding request. Josh Metcalf said he would like the lawmakers to fight to keep the $55 million earmarked for 2025 but to take it off the “request” list. Josh said he would like to ask the lawmakers to secure capital budget funding for the following: • Harrison Road project. • Reynolds Road project. • Shovel-ready fish passage projects. Doug Carey and Steve Wohld said they would like to have the Juvenile project added to the funding request list. Broadband Erik discussed the Broadband Action Team. He said he would like to formalize the group. He said the county is looking at what a partnership with ToledoTel would like for the county’s application. Public Health & Social Services update Childcare survey: Erik said a forum will take place Nov. 10 to discuss the county’s recent survey regarding child care and other COVID concerns. Erik said he would like HR to participate in the discussions and to address any policy updates as needed. 911 update Director recruitment: Erik said Scott Smitherman has resigned. He said he has asked HR to look into a recruitment process. Internal Services update Mask policy: Erik said the state Labor and Industries (L&I) changed masking rules in September. He said L&I relaxed masking rules for vaccinated employees working in a non-public area. The commissioners said they would not like to update county policy now due to uncertainty surrounding other facets. Technology replacement policy: Matt Jaeger said he is proposing that the county create a mechanism by which the county can fund large technical projects. Matt said he’d like to create an advisory committee that includes himself, the county manager and one commissioner to outline a five-year plan and to review project requests. Matt said he has outlined some upcoming projects, such as: • Office 365 • Ascend updates • Phone upgrades • Wireless upgrades Becky Butler said the goal would be to establish a new Capital Reserve fund that would be used to pay for the projects. Matt said he would work on a resolution regarding the proposal. Public Works / DEM update Flood update: Ross McDowell discussed the need for preparation and communication regarding the area flood threat. He also discussed the need to be vigilant about landslides and windstorms. He discussed the recent drought as well as current river conditions. Meeting ended at noon.