2021-11-10 American Rescue ActAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) planning November 10, 2021 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Lindsey Shankle, Becky Butler, Richard DeBolt, Austin Majors, Steve Wohld, J.P. Anderson Guest(s): Eric Rosane, Frank Corbin Recorder: Tammy Martin Richard DeBolt provided updates from the Economic Alliance. He said the mapping system is 90% complete. The timelines are coming together. Richard said EDA grants are moving forward for small businesses. The applications for small business grants are up 400%. The Economic Alliance is working with Josh Metcalf to create a pilot option, scoring metric option and priority project option. This will enable the best decisions possible for ARPA funding. The group is looking to hold a large stakeholder meeting to discuss the map and how best to use it. They have requests for private construction companies have asked to be a part of the map or to use the map. Becky Butler said there have been 662 responses to the Polco survey that was sent out to the public. The survey has identified needs for working with the younger aged people within Lewis County. Becky said there will be a large social media presence as well as videos to include Spanish speaking individuals. Lindsey Shankle is working on youth mental health and wellbeing within our community. The goal is to provide sustainable options to provide outreach to those in need. She is working on virtual focus group that will allow for input from stakeholders. The goal is to determine what the youth need instead of what adults think the youth need. Commissioner Swope would like to have education provided for schools to look for signs of suicide to help youth, parents and educators to recognize if someone is struggling. J.P. Anderson said they are working with Great Rivers Behavioral Health and will provide more information to the Commissioners. The goal is to bring visibility to the resources and ensure that those resources have the capability of providing service. Becky said a contract has been signed with HDR. Becky said there has been potential flexibility for ARPA funds. This would allow for counties to use funding for other infrastructure outside of water and sewer projects. Becky said county broadband funding phase II is proceeding. There are numerous funding opportunities for broadband that will allow for use of ARPA funds. Youth Services for mental health and behavioral health were marked as essential in the Polco survey. Lindsey Shankle said educating the public and making them aware of mental health as a priority needs to be a focus to ensure programs are distributed to people in need. Meeting ended at 11:07 a.m.