2021-11-15 Budget MeetingBudget Meeting November 15, 2021 10:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, incoming-Commissioner Lee Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Sherri Dokken, Katie Conradi, Josh Metcalf, Austin Majors, Matt Jaeger, Michelle Sauter, Chris Panush, Dusty Breen (left at 10:20 a.m.), Rob Snaza (left at 10:20 a.m.), Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Kevin Engelbertson, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Michelle Sabin, Grace Jimenez, Wes Rethwill (left at 10:20 a.m.) Guests: Nic Scott, Frank Corbin, Kevin Emerson Recorder: Tammy Martin Becky said today’s meeting has a rollover from the budget request from last week regarding 2 additional deputies, 1 support tech and camera installation. Commissioner Swope said collaborating with Centralia and Chehalis for the support tech position would have numerous hurdles. Commissioner Pollock said she would like for there to be more transparency with cameras/recording. Sheriff Snaza expressed his concerns about recording cases. The cameras do have an on/off button. The cameras automatically start recording 30 seconds prior to responding to the scene. The decision to have a support tech was to enable processing redactions. Sheriff Snaza did agree to needing more code enforcement help. The Sheriff’s Office uses 54% of Lewis County’s budget. Sheriff Snaza said his office needs two deputies to cover Lewis County. The Sheriff is responsible to provide law enforcement when cities cannot. Sheriff Snaza said in order to ensure the Sheriff’s Office stays within the budget, they purchase used uniforms and used vehicles. Commissioner Swope said he is in agreeance of approving 2 deputies and the support tech position. Commissioner Pollock has asked for budget accountability regarding reliably funding the positions. At 10:40 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced the Board was recessing for 5 minutes. Becky said the facility rates for the Fairgrounds maintenance costs have gone up substantially. In order to cover maintenance costs in 2022, the Board can use a general fund transfer or a temporary allowable use under 1061 to cover the increased maintenance costs. Both Commissioners agreed to use the more restrictive fund. The Commissioners agreed to use a one-time fund transfer from excess timber funds for technology replacement funding and there are options regarding rate increase. Option 1 is zero % increase, option 2 is a 1% increase, and option 3 is a 1 % increase plus using the bank capacity. Both Commissioners asked to delay the decision until the following week after the swearing-in of Commissioner-elect Lee Grose. Meeting ended 10:53 a.m.