2021-11-17 ESC DirectorsESC / Directors’ Update November 17, 2021 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Doyle Sanford, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, JP Anderson, Chris Panush, Austin Majors, Doug Carey, Connie Riker, Becky Butler, Matt Jaeger, Matt Patana, Dianne Dorey, Ross McDowell, Arny Davis, Shad Hail, Scott Tinney, Brittni Rogers, Casey Mauermann, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Katie Conradi, Marni Larson, Tailor Arrington, Tom Stanton, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Geoff Soderquist, Katie Conradi, Meja Handlen Guests: Eric Rosane, Angela French, Christian Bruhn, Nic Scott, Frank Corbin Recorder: Rieva Lester ESC United Way: United Way Resource Development Director Angela French introduced United Way’s new director, Christian Bruhn. Christian and Angela discussed United Way’s goals and projects. OpenGov: Becky Butler reminded offices and departments to submit department overviews and strategic priorities for OpenGov. Budget update: Becky invited the public to attend an informational budget meeting at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 23. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Austin Majors said 871 individuals have participated in the county’s survey regarding ARPA funding. Childcare survey and forum feedback: Erik Martin said work continues to address concerns employees have raised. Update on Capital Facilities projects: Steve Wohld and Doug Carey provided the following updates: • Phase 1 for the Juvenile Court Renovation will be completed by May 9, 2022, and Phase 2 will be completed by Dec. 5, 2022. • The Community Development / Environmental Health project, which will create 10,000-plus square feet of office space, will go back out to bid Nov. 23. • The Technology Services (IT) project will free up space for the Health Department, and work will be done in house. • Public Works building will include renovating 57 W Main to house Public Works, Engineering, GIS and Real Estate Services. • Health Building windows and HVAC unit will be addressed. • Animal Shelter would be updated to increase space. • Pad for the Chehalis Ridge radio tower has been installed, and the tower should be installed by April 30, 2022. Steve said the project had been estimated at $60 million to $100 million, but that county staff and consultants opted to purchase and renovate buildings rather than build new buildings, dropping the estimated cost to $15 million to $18 million, not including the animal shelter and 911 projects. Downtown Campus Evacuation Plan volunteer group: Ross McDowell asked for volunteers to serve on a committee to develop emergency plans. He said he would like five electeds/directors and five staff members. Ross said work would begin Dec. 1 and wrap up by the end of February. COVID-19: JP Anderson reviewed the most recent COVID-19 data, noting that the county’s totals for the week of Nov. 7-13 included the following: 221 new cases, 21 new hospitalizations and two new deaths. JP said testing for schoolchildren is available at the fairgrounds and that vaccines are now available for kids ages 5 and older. Roundtable Matt Patana said he will be leaving in about a month. Arny Davis said the county’s on-time property tax collection rate is at 96.8 percent. He cautioned that changes at the state may affect collection rates negatively in the future. Assessor Dianne Dorey said property value re-evaluation notices were sent out Nov. 12. Juvenile Court Administrator Shad Hail praised the county’s efforts regarding the juvenile project. DIRECTORS’ UPDATE Roundtable Chris Panush said open enrollment is open through the end of the month. He reminded employees to look into their options regarding long-term care and long-term disability. JP Anderson said Lewis County has been looking into how other counties manage their animal shelters. He noted that three other counties across the state (from 17 respondents) manage their own shelters. He said the others have partnered with private entities. He said he would like to discuss the future management of the animal shelter. Lee Napier invited offices and departments to participate in a Christmas decorating competition. Connie Riker discussed upcoming events and recent events at the fairgrounds. Becky said a budget amendment is scheduled for Dec. 14. She said the BOCC will make final recommendations for 2022 the week of Nov. 22. Ross McDowell discussed flooding in the Randle area. He said a bit of rain is in the forecast for the remainder of the week. Agenda items Rieva Lester discussed a proclamation to recognize November 2021 as Home Care & Hospice Month. Doug Carey discussed a call for bids for the Community Development Tenant Improvement Project, Project #31-2102. Doug Carey discussed a notice of public hearing to consider Ordinance 1331, an ordinance to repeal and replace Chapter 03.30, Management and Disposition of Property, of the Lewis County Code. Mindy Brooks discussed a notice of public hearing to consider Ordinance 1332, an ordinance to amend Chapter 2.11, Planning Section and Commission, of the Lewis County Code. Becky Butler discussed a notice for Lewis County budget for 2022. She said the two hearings will take place Dec. 6. Chris Panush discussed a resolution to set 2022 Medical Rates to be paid by Lewis County for non-union employees. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to accept a Grant Award from the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for the Repair and Rehabilitation of the Historic Lewis County Courthouse. Doyle Sanford discussed a resolution to direct the Lewis County Floodplain Manager to sign the letter of map change application and submit floodplain map amendments for the Cowlitz River at Packwood to FEMA for review and approval. Lee Napier discussed a resolution to adopting a Categorized Schedule of Fees effective January 1, 2022. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve an agreement between Lewis County and The Salvation Army to provide funds through the housing assistance unit Eviction Rental Assistance Program Grant (ERAP 2.0) in the amount of $5,854,553. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve an agreement between Lewis County and Equity Institute to provide funds through the housing assistance unit Eviction Rental Assistance Program (ERAP 2.0) in the amount of $325,254. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve Josh Metcalf, Public Works Director, as Applicant Agent and Robin Saline, Public Works Administrative Assistant/Grants Administrator, as the Alternate Applicant Agent/Contact for open, federally declared disasters and any future disasters that may occur between December 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022. Lee Napier discussed a resolution to approve the Lewis County Water District #3 Water System Plan. Erik Martin discussed a resolution regarding the proposed vacation of portions of 1st and Pine Streets and adjacent alleys in Dryad. Erik Martin and Geoff Soderquist discussed a resolution regarding the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Shorey Road, Chehalis. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve a contract with Deltawrx for 911 Communications Strategic Planning and Governance review services. Lara McRea discussed a resolution to approve an amendment to the grant agreement with the Washington State Office of Public Defense for representation of eligible individuals seeking to obtain orders to vacate felony convictions or have felony resentencing hearings pursuant to State V. Blake, 481 P. 3d 521 (2021). Erik Martin discussed a hearing to adopt the 2022-2027 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and 2022 Annual Construction Program (ACP). Commissioner Pollock made a motion to move one presentation, four notice items, two consent items, 13 deliberation items and one hearing to the Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Wednesday Workshop Connie Riker said the state Department of Agriculture plans to award the fairgrounds a large grant to revamp the area around the swine yard. Redistricting: Erik said the state redistricting committee failed to meet its deadline for redrawing congressional lines. He and Rieva Lester said the PA’s Office will discuss the topic Nov. 23. Boards and committees: The commissioners said they would review boards and committees the following week. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.