2021 -11-22 Auditor Treasurer updateAuditor / Treasurer Update November 22, 2021 2:43 p.m. Present: Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Larry Grove, Grace Jimenez, Becky Butler, Tom Stanton, Katie Conradi, and Sherri Dokken Guest: None Recorder: Tammy Martin Rodney Reynolds said the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) accrued $33,000 in earnings. Rodney said that for the month of October, Lewis County’s fund balance is much healthier compared to years past. The year-to-date lodging tax report for 2021 is up over $300,000 vs 2020. Rodney said 83% of the year has passed and Lewis County is currently at 86% of expenditures for the year. Grace Jimenez said there are two new departments on the budget reports to include Court Security and the Blake Decision. This is to track reimbursements for legal financial obligations and to track the funds spent for court securities. Grace said the State Auditor’s Office (SAO) has scheduled the exit conference for December 8. The SAO will present the results of the 2019 audit, and there will be opportunity for questions. Larry Grove said the final canvassing for the November general election will be November 23rd. There will be a machine recount for the City of Chehalis. The last election received 38% of the ballots from those eligible to vote. Larry formalized his request for an additional licensing position. The Department of Licensing holds monies from fees and will reimburse to the county to fund part of the position. Becky said she would work with Larry to fit this into the budget. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve an additional licensing position. Commissioner Swope seconded passed. Motion passed 3-0 Meeting adjourned 3:20 p.m.