2021-11-22 County Manager Update County Manager Update November 22, 2021 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Chris Panush, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Katie Conradi, Connie Riker, Lindsey Shankle, Grace Jimenez, Sherri Dokken, Meja Handlen, Alison Puckett Guests: Eric Rosane, Nic Scott KELA, Jared Wenzelburger Recorder: Tammy Martin Budget: Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve two patrol deputies, salary and benefits, vehicle installations, body worn cameras, support tech position not to exceed $68,941. The support tech position will be housed under the HR and records department. Commissioner Swope seconded. Passed 3-0. Commissioner Pollock asked to readdress a conversation for the Assessor’s Office position request. This item will be amended on the Budget agenda. Becky Butler said the Lewis County Seniors group is asking for a 2022 financial review and is requesting of $6,000-$8,000 to pay for a financial audit. Broadband: Becky said there will be a meeting to have certifications signed. There is a game plan to submit applications for broadband infrastructure improvement. Public Health & Social Services Update - ARPA Request: This is the 6th application Lewis County has received internally. The request is for $40,000 to provide training for youth health mental crisis solutions. Lindsey Shankle said parents and volunteers can take the training. This would be available throughout Lewis County. This would include meals and incidentals for training. The Board approved adding the request to the next ARPA meeting. 911 Update: HR has initiated the process to hire a consultant to recruit for the 911 Director position. This would cost $18,500. There would be a person in place potentially by March 2022. Internal Services Update: Steve Wohld said playground structures are being designed to include playground toys and he said the RFP for tourism services will be ready for fall of 2022. Public Works / DEM update: Erik said Public Works will give with be a six-year project update November 23, 2021. Commissioner Swope would like to see a recap of projects for this year. Commissioner Grose asked to replace projects that are canceled or postponed for the six-year plan or have conversations to get the postponed projects started. Personnel: PAFs for various departments are before the Commissioners and are needing signatures for approval. Commissioner Grose made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Swope seconded. Meeting ended at 11:33 a.m.