2022-01-26 American Rescue Plan Act planningAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) planning
January 26, 2022
10:30 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf,
Richard DeBolt, JP Anderson, Todd Chaput, Lee Napier, Semere Huckleberry, Tiffanie Morgan, Lindsey
Guest: Eric Rosane
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Economic Alliance
Todd Chaput provided the following updates:
• Working with consultant HDR to review ongoing projects and how they align with one another.
• Scoring metrics are complete.
• Met with PUD regarding the Winlock substation.
• PUD is using the new map to identify “dig-once” opportunities.
• Lobbying effort continues. Working on pilot program to present to legislators.
Richard DeBolt discussed HB 1958 - shovel ready, a bill before the state Legislature that mirrors the pilot
project the county and the Economic Alliance have been working on.
Todd said the Harrison Road, Rush Road and Morton culvert projects have been scored.
Todd said the consultant is looking into alternatives for a water retention facility.
Lindsey Shankle reviewed the results of Public Health’s assessment of the county’s readiness to address
youth mental health.
Lindsey presented the following findings:
• Public Health and Social Services used a Community Readiness Model.
• Staff interviewed nine individuals representing the following sectors:
o School personnel
o Law enforcement
o Court system
o City / county / tribal government
o Spiritual / religious leaders
o Mental health and treatment
• The survey determined the following:
o At least some community members have heard of local efforts but little else.
o At least some of the leadership believes that this issue is a concern in the community
and that some type of effort is needed to address it. Although some may be at least
passively supportive of current efforts, only a few may be participating in developing,
improving or implementing efforts.
o Some community members believe that this issue is a concern in the community and
that some type of effort is needed to address it. Although some may be at least
passively supportive of efforts, only a few may be participating in developing, improving
or implementing efforts.
• PHSS recommends the following:
o Continue promoting Keep Connected workshop to families and school communities.
o Countywide Youth Mental Health Campaign.
o Elevate the youth voice – PhotoVoice Project.
o Promote suicide prevention trainings.
o Workforce development.
Richard DeBolt suggested creating a support network for parents.
JP Anderson discussed the informal support networks that will be created as a result of the Keep
Connected workshops.
Commissioner Pollock left at 10:58 a.m.
JP discussed a recent Seattle Times article that found that “deaths of despair” – fatalities from drug
overdoses, alcohol use and suicide – outnumbered COVID-19 deaths statewide in 2020.
JP said he will prepare two RFPs for upcoming campaigns to raise awareness regarding mental health for
youth. He said he will submit the two – one would be a short-term project and the other would be a
long-term project. He said he will request American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the contracts.
The group discussed outreach for the communitywide mental health campaign.
Josh Metcalf said Public Works will work to identify the top four infrastructure projects before the
legislative session ends. He said he is working to finalize a list of the cities’ priorities and will discuss the
topic during the Feb. 4 Mayors’ Meeting.
Becky Butler discussed reporting efforts.
Becky said the BOCC will be asked to review its priorities, noting that the BOCC has discussed several
potential projects, such as:
• Radio equipment for 911 infrastructure
• Water banks
• Mental health
• Tourism and recreation
• Infrastructure
Meeting adjourned at 11:13 a.m.