2022-02-16 ESC Directors' UpdateESC / Directors’ Update February 16, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, John Clark, Arny Davis, Lee Napier, JP Anderson, Josh Metcalf, Doug Carey, Chris Panush, Tiffanie Morgan, Connie Riker, Katie Conradi, Mindy Brooks, Sherri Guenther, Susie Palmateer, Larry Grove, Marni Larson, Tom Stanton, Graham Gowing, Eric Farmer, Brittni Rogers, Austin Majors, Judge Toynbee, Steve Wohld, Scott Tinney, Shad Hail, Matt Jaeger, Dianne Dorey, Casey Mauermann, Meja Handlen, Grace Jimenez, Michelle Sauter, Patrick Shults Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester ESC Steve Wohld and Doug Carey gave a presentation on the county’s capital projects. • Phase I of the Juvenile Court renovation will be completed by July and Phase II will be completed by Dec. 5. • County is gaining 16,000 square feet through the various projects. • Community Development renovation is under way, with a contractor working on the demo and abatement. • County construction crew is working on tenant improvements for the Technology Services update. • Public Works building will have 12,000 square feet, and this project likely will be completed first. • Health building will be repainted and will get new windows and a new HVAC system. • Parking project at Health will create roughly 108 parking spots. • Parking project at Community Development / IT will create 96 parking spaces. • Law and Justice parking lot will add an additional 40 parking spaces. • Animal Shelter will be larger than initially anticipated and will include space for related businesses. • Contractor will return in February to complete the radio tower site on Chehalis Ridge. • New playground equipment has been ordered for several county parks. • Steve said the county is asking the state for $2 million to help with the Juvenile renovation. He said the county already has been awarded $800,000. • Steve said funding for the tenant improvements in the Health Building and funding for furniture will need to be identified. Additional COVID-19 cleaning: Steve Wohld said the commissioners on Feb. 14 tied the extra COVID-19 cleaning to the mask mandate, indicating that the additional cleaning would sunset when the mask mandate sunsets. Susie Palmateer said the courts have appreciated the additional cleaning efforts. Brittni Rogers said District Court is fine with the additional cleaning at Law and Justice sunsetting when the mask mandate ends. Susie and Brittni said they are fine with sunsetting the additional cleaning efforts in 30 days from Feb. 16. Susie said Superior Court anticipates no change in its need for off-site court locations. Personnel Authorization Form (PAF) approval process: Chris Panush said he will be reaching out to electeds and directors for feedback regarding the PAF process. He said the workflow will go through Munis in the future. COVID-19 JP Anderson provided data for the reporting week of Feb. 4-10, 2022: • 524 new COVID-19 cases • 38 new hospitalization • Five new deaths • Local hospitalization rate is nearly double the state’s rate Announcements / roundtable / new business Assessor Dianne Dorey said she has hired a new chief deputy. Steve Wohld cautioned county employees to be extra diligent with emails as cyberattacks are on the rise. DIRECTORS’ UPDATE Josh Metcalf discussed a notice of hearing regarding a franchise to Paradise Estates Community Club, to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities in Lewis County rights of way. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve a Master Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and Grays Harbor County. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to appoint members to the Distressed Counties (.09) Fund / Rural Economic Development Public Facilities Advisory Committee. Commissioner Grose made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and two deliberation items to the Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. COVID-19 JP Anderson said the governor has a press conference planned for Feb. 17 and that the mask mandate is the expected topic. Announcements / roundtable Lee Napier said a housing meeting will be held at the Packwood Community Center on Feb. 17. JP invited county employees to a Feb. 18 farewell send-off for Bill Teitzel, Abrieana Barlock and Lisa Lee. Josh Metcalf said DEM is meeting with FEMA to discuss the recent flood event. He said a presidential declaration has not yet been made but that a disaster has been declared for small businesses. John Clark said the Facilities team is excited about the upcoming projects. Matt Jaeger reiterated the need for extra vigilance regarding cybersecurity. Austin Majors discussed the Small Business Administration’s efforts. Connie Riker said the newly ordered playground equipment should be shipped in April. Commissioner Grose said he’d like the county to send a thank-you letter for use of the Packwood Community Center. Meeting ended at 9:59 a.m.