2022-02-22 Senior UpdateUpdate with Lewis County Seniors February 22, 2022 3:31 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Carol Brock, Nora Davis, Judy Barr, Ron Averill, Steve Wohld, Nicole Kiddoo, Austin Majors Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Nora Davis provided September –December profit and loss statements that showed the Lewis County Seniors group as being in the negative due to FEMA money ending. Nora said they are working with LMTAAA for funding opportunities. Nora said the Lewis County Senior Centers are short staffed and have contracted out their marketing to better reach senior residents. Nora said funds have been low due to the centers being closed. She said a majority of their funding comes from fund-raising. Commissioner Grose said as a member of the Packwood Improvement Club, the club would like to donate funds from the parking donations at flea markets. Commissioner Pollock suggested speaking about that at a different time. Ron Averill said it is difficult to determine profit and loss for the Lewis County Seniors when they are on a reimbursement basis. Ron Averill said without having the Meals-on-Wheels contract, they feel they don’t serve as many individuals as they could. Each congregate meal costs $15.30 and is reimbursed $5.26 from LMTAAA. Enrichment services are covered by the Lewis County Seniors and this is supported by fund-raising. Carol Brock said the Lewis County Seniors are working on a booster discount card, a poker run, and a history tour and plan to end the year with the Annual Night of Magic. Carol said there have been no updates about the audit. The 2020 audit has an expected completion date of March 2022. Commissioner Pollock has asked for them to reach out to Mountain View CPA for audit updates. Betty’s Place in Toledo donated a chest freezer, and Adolphsen Realty donated an up-right freezer. LMTAAA purchased a new oven for the Morton location. Nora said there has been growth in a return of seniors to the centers. Nutrition dates have changed at some area centers to better meet the needs of area residents. Meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m.