2022-03-04 Mayors MeetingMayors’ Meeting March 4, 2022 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Centralia City Manager Rob Hill, Chehalis Mayor Tony Ketchum, Chehalis City Manager Jill Anderson, Chehalis City Planner Amelia Schwartz, Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen, Mossyrock Mayor Randall Sasser, Pe Ell Mayor Lonnie Willey, Austin Majors, Lara McRea, Katie Conradi, Christine Nhan of Sen. Murray’s office, Pam Peiper of Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s Office, Sarah Kohout of Sen. Cantwell’s office, Vader Mayor Joe Schey, Tiffanie Morgan, Lee Napier, Mossyrock Planning Commission member Marcia Manley, Lewis County PUD Public Affairs Rep. Willie Painter, Preston Pinkston, Centralia City Mayor Kelly Smith Johnston, Peter Lahmann, Josh Metcalf Guest(s): Member(s) from the Chronicle Recorder: Tammy Martin American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Pe Ell Mayor Lonnie Willey asked the Commissioners to consider allocating ARPA funds to repair the roads to the dam. LED street lights: Lewis County PUD Public Affairs Rep. Willie Painter said there are approximately 1,300 light fixtures slated to be replaced with LED lights. Parts and replacement fixtures for the high-pressure sodium lights are becoming hard to find and cost more to use. This is funded through PUD rates and part of the 10- year strategic plan. Roundtable: Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen said the wastewater treatment plan is expected to be completed at the end of 2022. Mayor Willey said Highway 6 had some issues due to flooding. Mossyrock Mayor Randall Sasser said they have looked into small city maintenance program to update sidewalks and baseball fields. They are currently updating their Veteran’s Memorial park and will be complete in May. The city of Morton received a grant from the Department of Ecology to update sewer treatment plant. They are working with MAAL for the freedom festival and blueberry fest. There will be a civil war reenactment. Centralia City Manager Rob Hill said the city of Centralia has received interest from several manufacturers. Rob wanted to share the Greenwood Cemetery received a grant from the state for clean-up of the cemetery. There will be a rededication for the cemetery on Saturday, May 26, 2022. The Early Learning Center project will be going out to bid. Peter Lahmann said the Port of Centralia is still working with the state for final permits for the Centralia Station. They also have interest in the Port area for a hydrogen facility station. Peter said March 5, 2022, in Dupont, WA, the Pioneer Middle School will host the Washington State Patriotic Day. Jill Anderson said that after careful consideration, the city has filed for an injunction to restrict all access to the Yard Birds Shopping Center. There will be a hearing March 11, 2022. The city received two grants for maintenance on Main Street and for National Avenue. They are also looking at reconstructing Chehalis Avenue through other funding. Chehalis will have Music in the Park this summer and scholarships for swim lessons. Jill said Chehalis has seen residential and commercial growth. Vader Mayor Joe Schey said the wastewater treatment plant update is still in progress and is expected to be complete this spring. Mayor Schey was also excited to share construction for the park has begun. Christine Nhan said Sen. Murray’s office is making progress on the appropriations bill. She said she would share more information when it becomes available. Pam Peiper said Rep. Herrera-Beutler’s office has also been working toward completion of the appropriations bill. Rep. Herrera-Beutler has also been working on shutting down underground tunnels for trafficking and looking for veteran’s benefits solutions since the local office has closed. Paul Mason from WSDOT had no project updates. Announcements: Peter Lahmann said the Lewis County Historical Society will host its annual meeting via Zoom on March 15, 2022. Willie Painter said there are numerous positions and internships available within the PUD. Commissioner Grose said he has been working with residents of Toledo concerning biosolids. Commissioner Grose said the Commissioners’ meeting with Department of Ecology on March 15, 2022, may impact biosolid disposal. Commissioner Grose met with citizens in Randle about resources for veterans. They are having issues receiving services from local areas. Peter Lahmann said Senator Murray’s office has been instrumental in helping get services for veterans. Christine Nhan said her office has been working with the VA to bring back mobile clinics to Lewis County. Mayor Sasser feels veterans’ services should be a priority. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.