2022-03-08 Budget UpdateBudget Update March 8, 2022 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, Tammy Martin, Semere Huckleberry, County Manager Erik Martin Guests: Holly Chisa, Pat Saldana Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget update Becky Butler said the Auditor’s Office is working on year-end transfers and the Treasurer’s Office is working on year-end accruals as the county closes out 2021 reporting. She reminded the group that the year “stays open” for 60 days after Dec. 31 for accounting purposes. Becky said sales tax revenue collected in 2021 was close to the amounts projected. She reminded the ground that the commissioners had approved transferring $800,000 to cover future technology improvements. She noted that IT already is making staffing adjustments in preparation for the tech projects. Becky discussed efforts to create a standardized cost allocation process for establishing internal service rates. Becky reminded the group of an upcoming budget amendment. She said she would forward on to the commissioners any proposed amendments offices and departments submit for the April 5 hearing. American Rescue Plan Act Becky said FEMA has approved the county’s reimbursement request for Senior Nutrition funding. Becky said Public Health will meet with Providence the following week to discuss the documentation needed to secure reimbursements for clinics held locally. She said she also has been meeting with Josh Metcalf to identify Public Works’ staffing needs as it relates to upcoming projects. The commissioners said they are focused on funding projects that target generalized infrastructure, rather than unsolicited “one-off” proposals that address specific businesses’ needs. The group said they would further discuss the matter March 14. Broadband Becky said broadband work with ToledoTel continues. She discussed efforts to make the broadband project open and transparent using OpenGov. OpenGov Becky said she will provide OpenGov training on March 14. She noted that the system will go live at the end of the month. Meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.