2022-03-07 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up March 7, 2022 9:03 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Chris Panush, Connie Riker, Alison Puckett, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks, Semere Huckleberry, Sherri Dokken, Wes Rethrill Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Changes to Business Meeting: Chris Panush discussed the two HR / Risk resolutions being proposed as late adds for the March 8 Business Meeting. Josh Metcalf discussed the Public Works-related resolution. Josh discussed upcoming positions that would be covered by new revenue coming in. Commissioner Swope made a motion to add the following to the March 8, 2022, Business Meeting: • Resolution 22-065: Approve Defense and Indemnity for Sage Albright and her marital community, if any. • Resolution 22-066: Establish the rate of pay for a non-union extra help Public Works Project Manager. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Terms for Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board positions: The commissioners said they’d like to set the terms at four-year terms. Lewis County Business Boost Program: Commissioner Grose said he’d like to hold off on discussing the program. Historical Society vacancy: The commissioners said they would sign a memo regarding Bill Teitzel’s appointment rather than reappoint him via resolution to the position he vacated. UW .09 (Distressed Counties) funding: Rieva Lester said she had forwarded the UW request to the PA’s Office for review and that the approval may require and addendum to the original resolution approving the request. East Lewis County Public Development Authority (ELCPDA) .09 (Distressed Counties) funding: Rieva Lester said she had forwarded the request to the PA’s Office for review. The commissioners discussed the scope of the work. Erik Martin and Lee Napier clarified that the property is county-owned land and that the commissioners would need to review the proposed revisions to the site plan and also determine whether the county approves the sub-lease. Commissioner Grose said the scope of the ELCPDA’s work has remained unchanged and that .09 dollars would be used for general updates, not business-specific updates, to the building. Commissioner Grose said he would recuse himself from further discussions about the ELCPDA. Rieva said she would forward the lease to the commissioners for review. Legislative update: Commissioner Pollock discussed bills proposed at the state Legislature, including bills dealing with sewer, rifle magazines and the governor’s powers. Approval of minutes: Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve minutes for the week of Feb. 14, 2022. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 9:32 a.m.