2022-03-21 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update March 21, 2022 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Chris Panush, JP Anderson, Josh Metcalf, Lara McRea, Austin Majors, Becky Butler, Eric Eisenberg, Tiffanie Morgan, Alison Puckett, Heidi Palmer, Justia Madrigal, Katie Conradi, Lee Napier, Laura Coppock Guest: Nic Scott, Pat Saldana Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget: No update. Long-term strategic planning: Erik said the county issued an RFP for long-term strategic planning. He said proposals are due the following week. The commissioners discussed creating a committee to review the proposals. The commissioners said they would have Commissioner Pollock serve on a committee to narrow the field. Public Health and Social Services update Health officer contract: JP Anderson said the Public Health & Social Services Advisory Board will meet March 24 to discuss the Health Officer contract. The commissioners said they would like the advisory board to issue a request for qualifications (RFQ). The group discussed requirements regarding education (whether the applicants would be required to hold a master’s degree in public health), residency (whether the applicants would be required to be Lewis County residents) and political ramifications. • Advisory Board meet will meet at 4 p.m. March 24 • Advisory Board to present information to Board of Health March 28 • BOH / BOCC issues RFQ • Set end of April as RFQ deadline • Potentially select candidate in mid-June • Current 90-day contract ends June 15 Code enforcement manager: JP said the county has hired a new code enforcement manager. Night-by-night shelter forum: Erik Martin said a community meeting will be held March 31 regarding night-by-night shelter proposal. Eric Eisenberg described the proposed structure for the March 31 forum. Commissioner Swope said he would attend the forum. Timberline Village water: Erik said the Timberline Village water does not have additional capacity for new hook-ups, which means the county cannot issue building permits in the area. He said the county plans to reach out to Thurston PUD, which owns the system. Erik said stand-alone, exempt wells also need to be addressed, though those likely wouldn’t meet the spacing criteria for approval. Lee Napier said Thurston PUD had reached out to landowners a few years ago to let them know that it could not approve water availability notices. Eric said the problem is both Thurston PUD’s problem and the county’s problem because the water may have been available when the individuals started their application or development process but that the water no longer is available. Lee said her understanding is that leaks are to blame for Thurston PUD’s inability to allow for new hook-ups. Public Works / DEM update Chip seal: Erik said at least one commissioner has expressed an interest in finding a way to fully fund the county’s entire chip seal project, which has been threatened by increased oil costs and material prices. Josh Metcalf said Public Works could realize savings through unfilled positions. He said increased oil costs have put chip seal work for 20 miles of county roads in question. 911 update: Commissioner Swope said he is reaching out to the cities to ask that Chehalis and Centralia contribute ARPA funding toward 911. Announcements Erik said the commissioners will be asked to review the proposed Communication Plan during the March 23 Directors’ Update. Meeting adjourned at 12:04 p.m.