2022-04-04 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update April 4, 2022 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Chris Panush, Becky Butler, Austin Majors, Josh Metcalf, Connie Riker, Tiffanie Morgan, Lee Napier Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget RFP for grant management: Becky Butler discussed a proposed request for proposals (RFP) for a consultant to oversee the county’s grants. Becky said she will ask the commissioners to review their plans for earmarking American Rescue Plan Act on April 6. Public Works / DEM Fuel system upgrades: Erik Martin noted the commissioners had indicated they are in support of pursuing Congressionally Directed Spending for the replacement of fuel tanks at the airport. Josh Metcalf said the county has a 10,000-gallon-tank at the airport. He said he’d like to decommission it rather than spend the additional funds needed to prepare it for its upcoming recertification. He noted the fueling station is in need of repairs and that it has been charging incorrectly for fuel purchases. Josh said he’d like to look at an all-inclusive above-ground unit, similar to one the Chehalis airport recently purchased. Internal Services update HR staffing / new position request: Steve Wohld and Chris Panush said the commissioners had given preliminary approval for a new position at a grade 118. They said they would like to change that position to an HR generalist. Chris noted the position would be a 122 instead of a 117, which would be a roughly $5 increase plus benefits. They said the increase will allow HR to hire a more experienced individual for the HR position. Chris said his plans to improve HR include creating a phone and email funnel through which tasks can be assigned within HR. He said another step will be to increase the new position to field more policy interpretation questions so he and Daleyn Coleman can work on drafting new policies. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move the HR position to a generalist position at 122 and to open the position and fill it. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Office 365: Steve said IT is working on updating Office software. Erik Martin said Austin Majors is helping with a questionnaire. Steve the move will affect IT rates countywide. Phone system upgrade: Steve said IT is working on switching from analog to digital phones. He said IT recently learned it will need to perform a partial installation. He cautioned the move will affect IT rates countywide. Erik said the commissioners will need to address cell phone needs in the future. Steve noted that the upcoming upgrades will allow calls to be transferred to users’ cell phones. PAF process: Erik said the group working on the PAF will need the commissioners to weigh in on when offices and departments need to seek approval and when they have the authority to make decisions on their own. The commissioners said they’d like to have the discussion in executive session if possible. Parks update: Erik said he likes the idea of holding the ribbon-cutting event for the Cowlitz River Access Park on May 22. Commissioner Swope said he is in favor of naming the park after Commissioner Stamper. 911 Erik said he is interviewing two candidates for the 911 director position April 7. He said he has a 911 strategic planning meeting with Commissioner Grose planned for April 8. Calendars Erik noted he and Becky would be at a conference in Leavenworth the following week. Meeting adjourned at 11:56 a.m.