2022-04-20 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update April 20, 2022 10:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Swope, Arny Davis, Austin Majors, Rodney Reynolds, Grace Jimenez, Larry Grove, Shelly Stewart, Becky Butler, Tom Stanton Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Rodney Reynolds and Arny Davis provided updates for the Finance Committee. Rodney said Lewis County manages $186 million for special purpose districts. Rodney said contributions are needed for the LEOFF I benefits. Larry Grove said there are not enough funds available for the amount of LEOFF members. He said 2020 had $8.3 million in liabilities according to actual table projections. There is approximately $6.2 million available to provide for current LEOFF I liabilities. The Finance Committee portion of the Auditor/Treasurer meeting ended at 11:04 a.m. Rodney Reynolds said 13.1 % of the County’s revenue has been collected so far this year. This will increase due to tax collections in April. Property tax collections will be higher due to the increase of housing costs. Rodney said current lodging tax collected for the first three months is $203,774.52. He said there is a $1.2 million balance as of March of 2022. The Board discussed options of investing ARPA monies into a 2 year LGIP plan. The Board agreed to have further discussion during the upcoming ARPA meeting. Grace Jimenez said the general fund has expended 18.5% of its budget, which is fairly in line with yearly budgeted expenditures. Grace is still working with HR for implementation. Larry Grove said elections completed its GIS work for the recently updated. This ensures the voter registration data base is accurate. Larry said licensing staff member Katie Newboles will be retiring at the end of the month. Meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m.