2022-04-20 ARPA planningAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) planning
April 20, 2022
3:05 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik
Martin, Richard DeBolt, Todd Chaput, Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Lindsey Shankle, Austin Majors, Josh
Metcalf, Tammy Martin, Tiffanie Morgan
Guests: Nic Scott, Samantha Mitchell
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Economic Alliance
Todd Chaput said he has provided for the commissioners a document outlining the Economic Alliance’s
planned efforts and timelines for the upcoming year. Todd provided the following updates:
• Invites have been sent for the May 6 stakeholders meeting
• Have been meeting with the cities and ports
• Will further discuss Bishop Road and Harrison Avenue projects
• Is meeting with a housing initiative group monthly
• Introduce Commerce to the Dig-Once approach
Becky Butler said the commissioners previously had earmarked $750,000 toward the Bishop Road
project. She said she would like to return to the normal process of requiring potential funding applicants
to submit an actual application.
Todd noted that the Bishop Road project and the Napavine tie-in project are not contingent on one
Todd said Lance Bunker at the City of Chehalis would be the applicant for the Bishop Road project. Becky
said she would reach out to him to have him submit an application for the project.
Becky said $1.7 million remains in the pot of money earmarked for infrastructure.
Becky noted that the commissioners had expressed interest in exploring using ARPA funds to improve
water lines at the Fairgrounds. Steve Wohld discussed the needs at the Fairgrounds.
Connie Riker said the Fairgrounds used 75,000 gallons of water in January 2022 while most of the site’s
operations were shut down. In comparison, she said, the Fairgrounds used 237,000 gallons in September
Josh Metcalf and Becky noted that the commissioners had approved a $100,000 contract to have HDR
review infrastructure projects. The group discussed expanding the contract to include a review of the
needs at the Fairgrounds.
Richard DeBolt suggested taking a sample from one of the drinking fountains because there may be
grant funding available to help with clean water improvements.
The commissioners said they would like to amend the contract with HDR to have HDR work on a design
for repairs at the Fairgrounds.
The commissioners directed Josh to reach out to HDR to determine a cost estimate for the project.
Commissioner Swope made a motion to earmark for the Fox Theatre $500,000 in ARPA funding from
the infrastructure fund, contingent on its eligibility. Commissioner Grose seconded.
Commissioner Pollock discussed other projects seeking support, such as the United Learning Center.
Motion passed 3-0.
Commissioner Swope made a motion to earmark $1 million in ARPA funding for water system
improvements at the Fairgrounds, contingent on its eligibility, using funding from the infrastructure
pot of money. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
Lindsey Shankle said she and the Public Health and Social Services team are working on a plan to meet
the area’s youth mental health needs.
Becky provided the following updates:
• The county’s Treasury report is due the following week.
• The county’s RFP for grant administration has been distributed.
• Public Works will help review replies to the RFP.
• The next ARPA meeting will be devoted to health topics.
Richard said an Economic Alliance summit is planned for June 15.
Meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.