2022-05-09 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update May 9, 2022 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Connie Riker, Austin Majors, Lara McRea, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Tammy Martin, Chris Panush, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks, Steve Wohld (11:33 a.m.) Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Strategic planning: Erik Martin said Mackey Smith with the consulting firm Tanner Inc. will reach out to the commissioners as he works on the county’s long-range strategic plan. Communications: Austin Majors discussed CGI Digital’s offer to create, produce, write, film and process four films about Lewis County. He said the firm partners with National Association of Counties (NACo), which pays for the service, and that the firm also would reach out to local businesses, which would be asked to advertise. Commissioner Grose directed Austin to reach out to Franklin and Okanogan counties to ask what their experience with the company has been. Austin said the videos would be about a minute long and that per the agreement, the county would keep the link to the videos for three years. Erik said he would have the PA’s Office review CGI’s proposed agreement. Public Works/DEM update Harrison/Reynolds project update: Erik said the county received one response to its request for proposals. Josh Metcalf said the county is working with the City of Centralia on the project. He said the state has earmarked $1 million for the project. LCWD #1: Erik said the county is helping Water District 1 with a pass-through CDBG grant for a reservoir. He noted that county staff is working on the project and that the county may not receive enough funding to cover the work county staff performs since it’s merely a pass-through grant and there’s a cap on administrative costs for the grant. Airport master plan: Erik said the county has identified a firm for its airport master plan. DEM Hazard Mitigation Plan: Erik praised Ross McDowell’s efforts to establish the DEM plan. Emergency Management Coordinator position: Erik said DEM is interviewing for its vacant position. Internal Services update: Steve Wohld joined at 11:33 a.m. He said he’d like a closed-session union discussion after the conclusion of the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m.