2022-05-23 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up May 23, 2022 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, JP Anderson, Chris Panush, Austin Majors, Becky Butler, Connie Riker, Doug Carey, Eric Eisenberg, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Josh Metcalf, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Lindsey Shankle, Mindy Brooks, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill Guest(s): Nic Scott, Brittany Voie, Samantha Mitchell and others Recorder: Rieva Lester Planning Commission vacancy (District 2): Lee Napier said Stephen Heuffed has stepped down from the Planning Commission, creating a vacancy. The commissioners directed Rieva Lester to take steps to advertise the vacancy. PAF signing authority: Erik Martin outlined the different types of personnel authorization forms: • Filling a position • New hire • Freezing a position • Grade penetration • Market adjustment • Reclassification • FTE reduction • Promotion • New position request • FTE increase Erik said he would like the commissioners to establish decision-making authority regarding the various types of PAFs. The commissioners stressed the need for offices and departments to stay within their budgets. The group also discussed how to address grant-funded positions. The group discussed creating greater flexibility while establishing clear boundaries for PAFs. Youth Advocacy Center: Commissioner Swope and Becky Butler discussed the role model plan Samantha Mitchell of the Youth Advocacy Center (YAC) had discussed a few weeks prior. Commissioner Swope said he’d like the county to fund a coordinator position. JP Anderson noted that the YAC also works with the Community Action Council (CAC) and suggested reaching out to CAC. JP also discussed using funding from the one-tenth of 1 percent sales tax to help cover the program. Becky Bugler said other funding sources being considered include grants, etc. Becky noted that one-tenth of 1 percent funds currently go toward Drug Court, Therapeutic Court, Naphcare, Nurse Family Partnership and others. De-annexation request from Cemetery District 2: Rieva Lester said the commissioners had received a de-annexation request from Cemetery District 2. She said the commissioners will need to hold a hearing regarding the topic and that office staff is drafting a notice of hearing. Lodging tax timeline update: Rieva said the application period for the lodging tax grant will open July 8 and close Sept. 13. She noted that the commissioners would soon be asked to establish a total for 2023 allotment. Announcements / new business: Becky discussed work planned to celebrate Commissioner Stamper’s memory, including the unveiling of a permanent display, the creation of “Gary grams” and an ice cream social. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve minute folders for the weeks of May 2 and May 9, 2022. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Real estate: Steve Wohld said staff has determined that 2015 Kresky Ave., Chehalis, would be a good location for an animal shelter and that 2025 Kresky Ave. would be a better fit for the night-by-night shelter. Meeting ended at 9:48 a.m.