2022-06-06 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up
June 6, 2022
9 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik
Martin, Lindsey Shankle, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks, Undersheriff Rethwill
Guest(s): Nic Scott, Isabel Vander Stoep
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Public comment on any final-action items listed on the agenda: No one chose to speak.
Agenda change: Commissioner Swope made a motion to add Resolution 22-168 (Approve and authorize
the Public Works Director to sign an interlocal purchasing agreement between the City of Centralia, the
Office of the Chehalis Basin and Lewis County for the purchase of parcel No. 003485001003 in Lewis
County) to the June 7, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting. Commissioner Grose seconded. Josh Metcalf
discussed the resolution. Motion passed 3-0.
Media marketing position: Matt Jaeger said he is requesting authorization to move the media
marketing position back to IT. He said the move could be absorbed in 2022. He said the position would
be paid for through interfund rates beginning in 2023, creating a 4.3 percent increase in IT interfund
rates. Steve Wohld said he’d like the change to take effect July 1. Matt said the position would provide
graphic design, media support, policy support and recruitment help.
Commissioner Swope expressed concerns about the effects of a recession.
Erik Martin asked if the position could be more of a “pay to play” set-up, where offices and departments
that use the services would pay while others would not. He asked the commissioners to clarify if they
planned to freeze the Public Information Specialist position.
Matt said IT interfund rates also will reflect increases for Office 365 and the creation of a project
manager position.
Steve said he wanted the new position to work on capital projects – wayfinding maps, signage, etc. He
said he envisioned having the position work on onboarding videos at the beginning of 2023 and a
website refresh in the middle of 2023.
The commissioners directed Erik to continue efforts to hire a PIS. They noted that they would review the
media marketing position’s work after six months.
Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the media marketing position. Commissioner Grose
seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
Steve said the position under the Fair would be frozen effective July 1.
Tourism promotion request for proposals (RFP): Connie Riker said she’d like issue an RFP to outsource
Discover Lewis County (DLC). She said the contractor would serve as the countywide lead for tourism.
She said she’d like the individual to report to Erik Martin.
The commissioners discussed whether the position would be back-stopped by the General Fund.
The commissioners said they would further review the proposal with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
Name for the Cowlitz River Access Park: Commissioner Grose said he’d like to name the park after
Lonnie Goble, who was instrumental in creating the park. The commissioners said they’d leave it
unnamed for now.
Calendars: Commissioner Pollock said she has a meeting with Cardinal Glass later in the day.
Commissioner Swope said he would be out of the office June 9-10 for a WCIF conference. Commissioner
Grose said he would be out of the office June 9-10 for a Timber Counties conference.
Meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.