2022-06-08 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update June 8, 2022 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Mindy Brooks, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Matt Jaeger, Daleyn Coleman, Connie Riker, Tim Fife, Will Baynum, Ross McDowell, John Clark, Eric Eisenberg, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Lindsey Shankle, Sarah Hensley, Tina Hemphill, County Manager Erik Martin (9:05 a.m.), Steve Wohld (9:05 a.m.) Guest(s): Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Connie Riker discussed a resolution to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Tourism Promotion and Destination Marketing Services for Lewis County. She noted that the plan is to essentially outsource the work done by Discover Lewis County. Meja Handlen discussed resolutions to approve: • Contract G01-0160-22 with Lewis County Gospel Mission. • Amendment Birdseyemedical_MassVacCovid-19-F with Bird’s Eye Medical. • Amendment T01-0143-21A with The Salvation Army. • Amendment 22-46108-18-C with the Washington State Department of Commerce. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move one notice items, two consent items and four deliberation items to the Tuesday, June 14, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Announcements / roundtable Steve Wohld said HR / Risk Director Chris Panush has stepped down and that Daleyn Coleman has been named acting director. Meja Handlen said Nurse Laura Coppock has stepped down. Doug Carey provided updates on capital projects and noted that parking lot bids will be opened the following week. Connie Riker gave the following updates: • Cowlitz River Access Park has had a soft opening. • Exhibitor registration for the fair will open the week of June 13. • Facilities will paint the Blue Pavilion soon. Ross McDowell introduced Will Baynum and also discussed the upcoming Cascadia Rising earthquake preparation event. Tim Fife said Public Works crews are trying to squeeze in chip seal and striping work during the breaks in the weather. Wednesday Workshop Title: SB 5275 – retail / food service uses in limited areas of more intense rural development (LAMIRDs): Mindy Brooks provided an overview of SB 5275. Mindy noted that retail and food services are allowed in all types of LAMIRDs. She said SB 5275, which takes effect June 9, limits the size of retail and food service in Type I LAMIRDs. • For existing retail / food service buildings: Must use same footprint or less than 5,000 square feet, whichever is larger • For new sites: Can be no larger than 2,500 square feet. Mindy explained how the changes will affect Type I LAMIRDs in Lewis County: • Existing retail and food service uses can stay right where they are, be maintained as they are and be replaced in their current footprint. • New retail or food services uses can occupy an existing building if it was used for retail or food service before, and that building can stay the same size or expand to no more than 5,000 square feet. • A new building for retail or food service must be no larger than 2,500 square feet. Mindy noted that Community Development will let state law govern the county’s work until the county code can be updated, which likely will take place in early 2023. The group discussed ways they could reach out to the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) to suggest ways to remove unintended consequences from the new law. Meeting ended at 9:49 a.m.