2022-06-13 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update June 13, 2022 10:22 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Doug Carey, Meja Handlen, Becky Butler, Daleyn Coleman, Connie Riker, Grace Jimenez, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, Lindsey Shankle, Mindy Brooks, Tiffanie Morgan Guest(s): Nic Scott, Tom Crowson (10:47 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment on any final-action items listed on this agenda: None. Strategic planning: Erik Martin said he will set up a time to touch base on the long-range plan and provide an update on the five-year plan. PAF signing authority: Erik said he will ARPA funding: Becky Butler said the City of Chehalis has agreed to apply for .09 funding for the Fox Theatre instead of using ARPA funding. Public Works/DEM update: Erik said he’d like to schedule a Public Works update. Commissioner Grose said he’d like to discuss projects for the following roads: • Howe • Crumb • Centralia Alpha • Mienars Internal Services update Capital projects: Doug Carey said a new law will require energy upgrades in large buildings by 2026. He said is has been exploring loan options. He said upgrades to the jail will cost $4 million to $6 million. Doug said the county could face fines of $100,000 annually if it does not meet the requirements. Commissioner Swope recommended urging the state to reconsider its law due to skyrocketing inflation. Doug said the energy savings for the health building would fund a 10-year payback on the health building. Doug and Steve Wohld said grant funding is available if the commissioners want to move forward, noting that the health building certainly needs a new HVAC unit and windows. Doug said the work at the jail would not provide as much of an energy savings as the health building would. Doug said the equipment will have to be replaced regardless as it ages, noting that the equipment already is 20 years old. Becky Butler noted that Commerce grant funds are available for counties that move quickly. The commissioners directed staff to submit no-obligation applications for funding. Tom Crowson joined at 10:47 a.m. SWW Fair ticket rates: Connie Riker said the Fair board OK’d the rates as proposed. She said presale tickets for events, such as the rodeo, will not include fair admission. Steve Wohld and Connie said vendor parking prices increased. The commissioners approved the changes, which Steve noted would be released later in the day. 911 update: Erik said staffing continues to be an issue. He noted the recently hired director is reaching out to staff members by phone to prepare for her arrival. Public Health & Social Services update: Meja Handlen said PHSS has hit “contract season,” so it will have lots of contracts coming up. Community Development update: Erik said Community Development has issued 675 permits year to date, compared to 770 permits issued during the same time period the previous year. Personnel: Erik said Public Information Specialist interviews will take place June 16. Calendars: Erik noted that the courthouse will be closed June 20. He said he’ll be on vacation the final week of June. Announcements: Erik said some respondents to the lobbying RFP have said they’d like to separate the federal work from the state work. The commissioners expressed concerns about the economic feasibility of hiring a lobbyist due to the current economy. Commissioner Swope noted that he will meet June 14 with a landowner who had expressed concerns about the Newaukum River. Meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m.