2022-06-14 Budget UpdateBudget Update June 14, 2022 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Connie Riker (2:09 p.m.) Guest(s): A caller joined at the end of the meeting Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment on any final-action topics listed on this agenda: None. Budget Update Becky Butler gave the following updates: • The county’s revenue is up by over $1 million from the previous year. • Expenditures are down. • The cash balance is significantly over the previous year. • Proposals for internal service rates are due July 11. • IT and Facilities likely will request internal service rate increases of 10 percent to 15 percent due to increased FTEs and software upgrades. Budget Calendar/2023 budget planning: Becky said she has outlined the budget dates for 2023. Broadband: Becky said ToledoTel has submitted its permit applications. She said she is awaiting guidance from OFM. ARPA allocations Becky discussed the need to identify how to re-allocate the additional $750,000. She said Matt Jaeger is creating a list proposed tech projects so the commissioners can prioritize. Becky said she’ll gather applications for community projects. The commissioners said they’d like to look at possibly using the $750,000 to fund the Fox Theatre and the Roxy Theatre, with any leftover funding going to the fairgrounds. Connie Riker joined at 2:09 p.m. Becky said she’ll ask Josh Metcalf to reach out to Vader regarding its infrastructure needs. Grant Management Consultant Contract and SOW Becky discussed the grant management consultant contract. She said it will not exceed what the county would have paid for a grant management position. She outlined the work the contractor will perform. Becky noted that she is working on an OpenGov how-to. Meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.