2022-06-15 Auditor-Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update June 15, 2022 10:37 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, Grace Jimenez, Rodney Reynolds, Arny Davis, Larry Grove Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Treasurer’s Office Rodney Reynolds said the Fed will raise interest rates later in the day. He said Columbia Bank will adjust the county’s rate after the Fed announces its change. He noted that the increase could be as high as 75 basis points. Rodney reviewed the county’s investments. Rodney said the county has a $15.9 million general fund investment cash balance year to date. Becky Butler said the City of Tacoma will need to update its payment to the county to reflect changes within the Consumer Price Index. Rodney said he would reach out to Tacoma. Rodney said Lewis County has received $354,000 in lodging taxes through May 2022. He noted that the lodging tax collection represents a 12 percent increase over the same time period the previous year. Auditor’s Office Grace Jimenez reviewed expenditures. She said internal service transfers have been delayed and that the annual report was filed May 30. The group discussed the effects of rising gas prices. At 11:09 a.m., the meeting paused due to audio troubles. The meeting resumed at 11:11 a.m. Grace said the SAO will begin its 2021 audit of the county in July. She said the SAO plans to conduct the audit remotely but that she will reach out to the SAO about potential on-site visits. Larry Grove said the Auditor’s Office may request extending the timeframe for an extra help employee. Grace said she would work with Becky Butler to develop a proposal for the position. Larry said ballots for oversees and military voter will be mailed June 17. He noted that the number of registered voters has increased by 10,000 – to 54,000 – in the past seven years. Larry noted that the Twin Cities licensing office closed temporarily, creating additional work for the county office. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.