2022-06-22 Directors' UpdateDirectors’ Update June 22, 2022 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock (left at 9:59 a.m.), Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Daleyn Coleman, Matt Jaeger, Connie Riker, Eric Eisenberg, Lara McRea, Mindy Brooks, John Clark, Dianne Dorey, Ross McDowell, Lori Spogen, Rocky Lyon, Lindsey Shankle, Josh Metcalf (9:10 a.m.) Guest(s): Fred Morton, Dennis Riebe, Gretchen Fritsch, Amanda Erickson, David Toyer, Anna Romanova, Nic Scott, Michael Tucker, Andrea Erickson, Ron Averill, Tom (Lemay Enterprises), Aaron Doll, member(s) from the Chronicle, Lisa Striedinger-Hubbard Recorder: Tammy Martin Roundtable Matt Jaeger said microphone updates will occur next week in the hearing room. This should help clear up any audio issues for future meetings. Connie Riker said there are less than 60 days until the SWW Fair begins. Josh Metcalf said he would like to propose a modified/shorter schedule the month of July at the Morton Transfer station. The transfer station will be closed Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. This is due to staffing shortages. The board approved changes to the schedule. Commissioner Grose noted that the Packwood Improvement Club is again hosting free concerts at the Packwood Community Hall grounds as part of its Music in the Park program every Friday through the end of summer. Directors’ Update Matt Jaeger discussed a resolution to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for Microsoft 365 Licenses and deployment services. Commissioner Grose said both Public Works’ resolutions had been discussed. A representative was not available to discuss a resolution to ratify a consultant agreement and approve a supplement of $50,000 for an active Public Works project as well as a resolution for the list of bids received and contractor selected for the Crumb Road MP 0.17 Culvert Replacement project, SM 20F630050017, FR 4539 PW 121. Connie Riker discussed a resolution to transfer funds to the Parks & Recreation Department Revolving Working Account. Connie Riker discussed a resolution authorizing additional funds to the Parks & Recreation Department Revolving Account for starting cash change for events. Commissioner Grose made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and four deliberation items to the Tuesday, June 28, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Wednesday Workshop Providence Contract Amendment Meja Handlen said there has been considerable work with Providence for Covid. This amendment will capture lost dollars. This will be coming forward in a future resolution. Water bank consultant submissions Eric Eisenberg said Lewis County received two water banking consultant submittals. Eric is recommending to hire one firm to start the pre-application process. Eric said the costs are less than originally thought. Commissioner Pollock suggested using a firm with experience handling Western Washington. Commissioner Grose made a motion to pursue a contract with AMB Consulting. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Short-term rentals / rural housing update Mindy Brooks provided a presentation on the progress on the Lewis County Housing Initiative and outlined the next steps. Mindy and Dianne Dorey discussed short-term rentals. Commissioner Grose stated that he was opposed to the idea of requiring business licenses for short- term rental owners. Meeting adjourned at 10:16 a.m.