2022-06-28 Update with LC SeniorsUpdate with Lewis County Seniors June 28, 2022 3:35 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Nora Davis, Carol Brock Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment on any final-action topics listed on this agenda: None. Profit and loss / budget: Nora Davis reviewed the Lewis County Seniors group’s finances. Carol Brock clarified that when a site leader coordinates a fundraiser, the group is charged a rental rate for the use of the building and funds go to the parent company. When a 501c3 hosts a fundraiser, the 501c3 keeps the money raised. Nora said upcoming fundraisers include a July 16 poker run and an Oct. 22 Night of Magic. Meal program update: Carol said meals cost $14.86 apiece, a price that includes funding for staff support. She said Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging provides $5.91 per meal. The group discussed the Lewis County Seniors group’s various fundraising activities, including the running of the thrift shop. Commissioner Grose suggested the group purchase the Dry Box storage container unit it has been renting. The group discussed the doors that need to be re-keyed. Commissioner Grose said he’d like a breakdown of the group’s flea market revenues. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.