Board Meeting Minutes 02/23/20151 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 23, 2015 The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) for Lewis County, Washington, met in regular session on Monday, February 23, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Edna J. Fund, P.W. “Bill” Schulte, and Gary Stamper were in attendance. Chair Fund determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Schulte moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, February 9, 2015. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 PUBLIC COMMENT Ed Peterson, Dryad, stated nearly two years ago he moved into a home owned by his parents in Dryad, after they relocated to warmer climes in Phoenix. Upon our arrival he attempted to set up new phone and internet service with CenturyLink, and was told he could not. He recommended the commissioners should consider revoking CenturyLink's franchise rights in rural Lewis County. Ron Averill, Centralia, stated the Lewis County Farm Bureau had a Legislative Committee Meeting and it appears that the funding for the VSP will be approved. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION The BOCC announced the Employee of the Year – Bill Teitzel 4th Quarter 2014 Above & Beyond Matt Trent, IT Karri Muir, BOCC Milestones: 10 Yr- Julia West, Sheriff 20 Yr- Robert Nelson, Sheriff 30 Yr- Jeri Lux, Assessor 30 Yr- Renee Shepherd, Auditor CONSENT Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items one through nine. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. 1. Resolution No. 15-053 Approval of warrants for payment. 2 Chair Fund stated this Resolution approves 454 regular warrants for a total payment against the County in the amount of $1,317,874.19. 2. Resolution No. 15-054 Approving the 2015 Tourism Contracts for Hotel/Motel Tax Funding. Chair Fund stated the purpose of this resolution is to approve contracts between Lewis County and various organizations for the use of Hotel/Motel Tax funds on a reimbursement basis from Tourism Promotion Fund No. 198. The total funding to agencies for 2015 is $202,900; the agencies that will be receiving Tourism Promotion funding to be used towards activities related to tourism in Lewis County include: Lewis County Historical Society: $28,800 Destination Packwood: $65,800 White Pass Scenic Byway: $61,500 Onalaska Alliance: $4,600 Fire Mt. Arts Council: $9,300 White Pass Historical Society: $17,600 Mossyrock Area Action League: $16,500 Cowlitz River Valley Historical Society: $7,200 ARTrails of SW Washington: $900 3. Resolution No. 15-055 Approving the initial placement of an extra help Human Resources Coordinator on the Lewis County Salary Grid. Daleyn Coleman, Human Resources, stated due to the vacancy and hiring demands of the Sheriff’s Office to conduct intensive background checks, Human Resources is requesting to hire a casual Human Resource Coordinator. The Lewis County Salary Grid (13 Step M Grid) maximum pay for a casual employee would not be competitive to hire a skilled Coordinator. The Administrator of Human Resources is requesting that the casual Coordinator be placed at Grade 21 on the Lewis County Salary Grid (13 Step M Grid.) 4. Resolution No. 15-056 Approving an inter-local agreement with Twin Transit for technical assistance. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, recommended approval of a Resolution and Inter-local Agreement between Lewis County and Lewis County Twin Transit for technical assistance in issuing bids or requests for proposals for equipment, supplies, materials, design services, planning and project management services on an "as needed basis" to complete construction and renovation of Twin Transit's office space located in Centralia, WA. The term of this agreement shall commence upon the signing by both parties involved and terminate on December 31, 2015. Twin Transit agrees to reimburse Lewis County for all actual costs incurred for provided said services. 3 5. Resolution No. 15-057 Approving an inter-local with Lewis County Fire District No. 1 (Onalaska) for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated the County Central Services Department has an IT Services Division which is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the County Public Safety Computer System called Spillman. Fire District #1 is part of the Public Safety System. This agreement will allow for our IT Services division to provide computer repair and software maintenance services to Fire District #1 on an "as needed" basis. 6. Resolution No. 15-058 Approving an inter-local agreement with the Riverside Fire Authority for radio repair and maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated the County Central Services Department has a Radio Services Division which is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the Lewis County Public Safety Radio System. The Riverside Fire Authority (RFA) is part of the Public Safety Radio System. This agreement will allow for our Radio Services Division to provide radio repair and maintenance services to the RFA on an "as needed" basis. In exchange for this service, the RFA agrees to the services and rate structure; 7. Resolution No. 15-059 Proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Davis Creek Road, Randle, WA. Tim Elsea, Public Works Director, stated Davis Creek Bridge #181, located east of Randle was washed out during the 2006 flood. Davis Creek Road is approximately 1.5 miles in length, has a low traffic volume, and intersects Highway 12 on both ends, and the bridge is not scheduled for replacement. Item number 11 in the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan is to install turnarounds at each end of Davis Creek Road. This project will require additional right of way from seven property owners. RCW 8.08.010 authorizes Counties to acquire property under the threat of eminent domain when deemed necessary by the Board of County Commissioners. Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 8.08, this resolution instructs the County Engineer to acquire right of way from owners of seven properties along Davis Creek Road for the project. All such acquisition shall be in accordance with adopted procedures as per Resolution 14- 160 and under its eminent domain authority for purposes of real estate excise tax, as per RCW 8.25 and WAC 458-61A-206(1C), and pursuant to authority and obligations of RCW title 8, notably 8.08, 8.25 and 8.26. 8. Resolution No. 15-060 Approval of the second supplemental agreement to a professional services agreement with French and Associates, LTD. Lee Napier, Director of Community Development, stated French & Associates, LTD, was selected by the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority (Flood Authority) as the 4 consultant to provide professional services to complete a floodplain management analysis report for jurisdictions in the Chehalis River Basin. The Flood Authority discussed and approved an amended scope of work. French & Associates, LTD. was selected by the Flood Authority as the consultant to provide professional services to complete a floodplain management analysis report for jurisdictions in the Chehalis River Basin (Basin). The objective of the project is to identify ways to improve floodplain management programs. Improved programs can result in reduced flood issues, lower flood insurance premiums, reduction in damage to repetitively flooded properties and protection of the natural floodplain function in the Basin. The Flood Authority discussed and approved an amended scope of work during their January 15th meeting. At the request of the Flood Authority, Lewis County, acting as the fiscal agent, prepared an amendment to the original agreement. 9. Resolution No. 15-061 Approving Amendment No. 1 to Contract K with the State of Washington Office of Financial Management. Lee Napier, Director of Community Development, stated the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority (Flood Authority) requested that Lewis County, acting as the Fiscal Agent, enter into Amendment Number 1 to Contract Number K1308 with Washington State Office of Financial Management, for the purpose of releasing funds authorized by the Legislature. The Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority (Flood Authority) requested that Lewis County, acting as the Fiscal Agent, enter into Amendment Number 1 to Contract Number K1308 with Washington State Office of Financial Management, for the purpose of releasing funds authorized by the Legislature. The amendment will increase the contract amount by $102,000 to cover additional work to be provided by French & Associates, LTD. The consultant will support the implementation of the floodplain management recommendation by completing two area analyses for frequently flooded areas, provide technical assistance for improvements to local floodplain management and support the retrofitting of residential structure for compliance. Motion Carried 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m. on February 23, 2015. The next public meeting will be held Monday, March 2, 2015. 5 Please note that minutes from the BOCC’s meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ Office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Edna J. Fund, Chair Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board P.W. Bill Schulte, Vice-Chair Lewis County Commissioners Gary Stamper, Commissioner