Board Meeting Minutes 04/20/20151 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 20, 2015 The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) for Lewis County, Washington, met in regular session on Monday, April 20, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Edna J. Fund, P.W. “Bill” Schulte, and Gary Stamper, were in attendance. Chair Fund determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Stamper moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, April 13, 2015. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Chair Fund announced Lewis County Employee Milestone Recognition, Employee of the Quarter, and Above and Beyond Awards. 5-Year Recognition - Mitch Guthrie, Robin Saline 10-Year Recognition - Doyle Sanford, Debra Nygaard, Larry Mason 15-Year Recognition - Jeff Godbey 25-Year Recognition - Steven Aust 30-Year Recognition - Anita Holt and Isabelle Williams Above and Beyond Award, Deputy Timothy English, Sheriff’s Office, on January 26th, 2015 the Chehalis Police Dept. was dispatched to a robbery at Chase Bank on Market St. The suspect was on foot. Deputy English responded to the area to assist with containment. Deputy English chased down the suspect on foot and he was apprehended. Above and Beyond Award, Deputy Rick Van Wyck, Sheriff’s Office, on March 15, 2015, at approximately 4:40 am, Deputy Van Wyck was responding to an assault on Bunker Creek Rd. where the male had already left. He discovered a dairy barn that was on fire. He was able to wake the owner and neighbors, and they were able to save all the cattle. Employee of the Quarter Award , Don Driscoll, Facilities The double moves on both the second and third floors of the Health Department were systematic and organized. Mr. Driscoll managed his teams of inmates instructing them kindly and patiently on the tasks at hand when moving the offices. 2 Sandi Andrus, Health and Social Services, presented Mr. Driscoll with a card and gift certificate for pizza for a job well done. Mr. Driscoll, Facilities, accepted the award and thanked everyone for the recognition. Commissioner Fund stated this is one of her most favorite activities in being a Commissioner, listening to the stories and knowing the hard work County employees are doing. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Schulte moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items one through five. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. 1. Resolution No. 15-124 Approval of warrants for payment. Chair Fund stated this Resolution approves 165 regular warrants for a total payment against the County in the amount of $317,507.19. 2. Resolution No. 15-125 Proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Bones Road, Toledo, WA. Larry Unzelman, Public Works Real Estate Services Manager, stated Bones Road, east of Toledo, requires drainage improvements. The project will require additional right of way from one property owner. RCW 8.08.010 authorizes Counties to acquire property under the threat of eminent domain when deemed necessary by the Board of County Commissioners. Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 8.08, this resolution instructs the County Engineer to acquire right of way from one property owner along Bones Road for the project. All such acquisitions shall be in accordance with adopted procedures as per Resolution 14-160 and under its eminent domain authority for purposes of real estate excise tax, as per RCW 8.25 and WAC 458-61A-206(1C), and pursuant to authority and obligations of RCW title 8, notably 8.08, 8.25 and 8.26. Property is owned by Weyerhaeuser. 3. Resolution No. 15-126 Proposed acquisition of easements for Ceres Hill Road Bridge Bank Protection project. Larry Unzelman, stated it is necessary to stabilize the banks of the Chehalis River near the Ceres Hill Road Bridge. The bank stabilization project is necessary to protect the Ceres Hill Road Bridge and will benefit the public. The project will require easements from three adjacent property owners. RCW 8.08.010 authorizes counties to acquire property under the threat of eminent domain when deemed necessary by the Board of County Commissioners. Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 8.08, this resolution instructs the County Engineer to acquire easements from three property owners along Ceres Hill Road for the project. and to sign documents necessary for the bank protection project on Ceres Hill Road in Section 23, Township 13 North, Range 4 West, W.M., and directs that all such acquisitions be in accordance with adopted procedure as per Resolution 14-160 and under its eminent domain authority for purposes of real 3 estate excise tax, as per RCW 8.25 and WAC 458-61A-206 (1c), and pursuant to authority and obligations of RCW Title 8, notably 8.08, 8.25 and 8.26. 4. Resolution No. 15-127 Ratifying an executed contract for crane services for temporary bridge assembly. Larry Unzelman, stated this Resolution ratifies an executed contract for crane services for temporary bridge assembly with Snell Crane Services. RCW 39.04.155 allows local governments to award contracts for construction and other improvements through established small works rosters when such work has an estimated cost of three hundred thousand dollars or less. Lewis County adopted procedures establishing a small works roster by Resolution 09-226. An Engineer’s Estimate determined that the temporary bridge assembly will cost less than three hundred thousand dollars. A Request for email quotes was made on March 10, 2015 for the crane services for temporary bridge assembly by sending an email to all contractors listed on our Small Works Roster in the Bridge Maintenance category. Public Works received 2 (two) bids for this project on March 17, 2015. Lewis County staff members have verified unit prices multiplied by quantity along with the addition of sales tax. The apparent low bid is Snell Crane Services, Inc. The results are as follows: Snell Crane Service, Olympia, WA Phase 1 $12,154.45 Phase 2 $17,619.91 Phase 3 $17,619.91 Total: $47,394.27 Axis Crane, LLC Wilsonville, OR Phase 1 $13,582.80 Phase 2 $32,232.20 Phase 3 $32,232.20 Total: $78,047.20 The Engineer’s Estimate for crane services for the temporary bridge project for all phases was $50,000.00 with tax. Public Works recommends the Board of County Commissioners ratify the contract with Snell Crane Service. 5. Resolution No. 15-128 Bid award for the 2015 Countywide Base Stabilization Project. Larry Unzelman, stated this resolution will award the 2015 Countywide Base Stabilization Project, CRP 2172A to the lowest responsible bidder, Best Grinding, Inc. This contract provides for the improvement of various roads in Lewis County by pulverization, cement stabilization and other work in accordance with the Contract Plans, and the 2014 WSDOT Standard Specifications. A Call for Bids was made on March 30, 2015. The project was advertised for three consecutive weeks in The Chronicle and the Daily Journals of Commerce (Seattle and Portland). The project was also listed on Lewis County's website. Public Works received three responsive bids for this project on April 20, 2015. Best Grinding, Inc. provided the 4 lowest responsive bid of $292,003.26. The Engineer's Estimate for this project was $294,235.95. The lowest responsive bid is below the Engineer's Estimate by less than 1%. Public Works staff recommends acceptance of the low bid provided by Best Grinding, Inc. Resolution approval will award this contract to Best Grinding, Inc. for $292,003.26, upon presentation of a contract acceptable to Lewis County for the 2015 Countywide Base Stabilization project, CRP 2172A and authorize the County Engineer to sign the same. Motion Carried 3-0. HEARING Hearing Approving Open Space Designations-Resolution No. 15-130 Commissioner Fund announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Lee Napier, Community Development Director, stated she is here for support for Jason Morgan. Jason Morgan, Assessor’s Office Exemptions Clerk, stated Lewis County Code (LCC) 3.50 allows the County Assessor to defer a percentage of the property tax on parcels where it can be shown that the characteristics and use of the land contribute to a public benefit. Consistent with LCC requirement, the four applications were reviewed by the Lewis County Public Benefit Rating Advisory Committee and their recommendation presented to the Lewis County Planning Commission. After a duly advertised public hearing the Planning Commission adopted a set of findings and conclusions and transmitted their recommendation to approve the four applications to the Board of County Commissioners. Chair Fund asked for questions from the board. There were none. She asked if the public had any questions. Ron Averill, Centralia, asked Mr. Morgan to identify which properties and what percentage they received and explain to the public why the difference between 30% and 80%. Jason Morgan, stated each application is reviewed and there are several different categories that they can be classified into. W ithin each of those categories the properties can receive one to eight points. The minimum required is three points to actually qualify into the new tax classification. The Planning Commission actually reviews these applications. Since Jason works for the Assessor, he has no input other than facilitate the meeting for the Planning Commission to review the properties. One open space land parcel received the maximum amount of points available under the law which is the maximum of eight points. The other three are farm and conservation parcels and can only receive a maximum of 30% to 40% off of market value taxes and again they have the same kind of a check list system. 5 Ron Averill, stated there is also a premium, giving that they give public access. Jason Morgan, stated that is correct, that is one of the points. Ron Averill, stated people do not realize if they are the Agriculture Open Space Program they might receive a better break tax break than they receive under the conservation program. We had some people surprised that they actually lost taxes. Jason Morgan, stated that is correct, he does tell people that it is not as good as a tax break, but they also do not have to show income on property. Chair Fund asked for questions from the board. There were none. She asked if the public had any questions. Chair Fund asked Jason if he would like his opening comments to be incorporated into the hearing. Jason Morgan, stated he would like his comments to be incorporated into the record. Chair Fund, closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. She asked if anyone would like to speak for or against Resolution No. 15-130. There was no one who wished to testify. She closed the hearing and asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. 15-130. Commissioner Schulte moved to approve Resolution No. 15-130. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Hearing: Adoption of the 2015 Annual Construction Program and the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Resolution No. 15-129 Chair Fund announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Mike Kroll, Public Works Transportation Planner, stated that a Public Hearing was held providing an opportunity for any person to appear and be heard, either for or against the adoption of the amended programs. The amended 2015-2020 TIP must be adopted prior to the County’s budgeting of added or changed projects. The amended 2015 ACP represents the first year of the TIP and is required by the County Road Administration Board (CRAB). Pursuant to RCW 36.81.121, all cities and counties are required to prepare, adopt and submit a TIP. The Lewis County 2015-2020 TIP and 2015 ACP were adopted by Resolution 14-306 on November 17, 2014. Copies of these programs were furnished to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Southwest W ashington Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SWRTPO), CRAB, cities containing urban areas, and the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB). 6 The requirements for the ACP are contained in WAC 136.16. This part of the WAC is intended to provide for an evaluation of compliance with the construction by county forces laws, in RCW 36.77.065. The amended 2015-2020 TIP and 2015 ACP adjusts the construction funding categories to reflect changes due to additional grant funding from the Surface Transportation Bridge Program (STP(BR)) from $185,000 to $452,000 for the Pe Ell McDonald Road and Oyler Road bridge scour projects, Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding from $800,000 to $1,322,000 for the 2015 County Safety Program project, adds $10,000 of county road funding by adding the Coughlin Road - Bridge #36 Deck Replacement project to the programs, and updates information and funding sources for all projects. Chair Fund asked for questions from the board. There were none. She asked if the public had any questions. Chair Fund, asked Mr. Kroll about a recent article in the Chronicle relative to Borst Avenue in Centralia. Mike Kroll, Borst Avenue is a half-city half-county project and will require both entities to fund that project. We jointly have to search out funding mechanisms for that project in order to complete it. At this point neither has the funds necessary to complete the project. Chair Fund, stated there is also Harrison Avenue improvements, which is listed above Borst Avenue. She asked if the county hopes to get funding someday on this. Mike Kroll, stated we anticipate an outside funding source from a developer or something along those lines. W e have applied for several grants for Harrison Ave. and so far have been unsuccessful. It is usually a large grant program like the Tiger Grant program, which is a nationwide program, and usually has funded huge projects in big cities. He stated the order on the TIP doesn’t necessarily mean the priority, just the order of the funding sources. Chair Fund asked for questions from the board. There were none. She closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Ron Averill, Centralia, stated he sees Coffman Bridge on the TIP, He asked if the County has been working on that bridge for some time. Mike Kroll, stated the county has a contract and the surface of the deck failed. In order to be compliant with the County Road Administration Board (CRAB), the county added this back into the TIP because we know we are going to spend some money on the process of negotiating with the contractor to get the new deck on the bridge. They are in negotiations with the contractor right now. Ron Averill, asked if he thought this project will get it done. 7 Mike Kroll, stated the project will be completed. Ron Averill, asked when it is planned. Mike Kroll, stated the CRAB is in negotiations with the contractor right now. He has been notified that the deck needs to be replaced. Ron Averill, asked if there were two properties at the end of the road. Commissioner Schulte, stated yes, two parcels but, one property owner. They put the decking in bridge and it failed. We know we are going to do work on it we can’t work on it if it’s not on the plans, so we are putting it back in the plan to redo the decking. Mike Kroll, stated that was correct. Chair Fund, asked for any other questions from the audience. Chair Fund, closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Chair Fund, asked Mike Kroll if he would like his opening comments to be incorporated into the hearing. Mike Kroll, stated he would like his comments incorporated into the record. Chair Fund asked if there were anyone who would like to speak for or against Resolution No. 15-129. There was no one. She closed the hearing and asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. 15-129. Commissioner Schulte, commented this isn’t changing anything. It is just amending the TIP we can do some projects that we received funding for. Commissioner Stamper moved to approve Resolution No. 15-129. Commissioner Schulte seconded. Motion carried 3-0. 8 There being no further business, the BOCC’s business meeting adjourned at 10:39 a.m. on April 20, 2015. The next public meeting will be held Monday, April 27, 2015. Please note that minutes from the BOCC’s meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the BOCC’s Office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Edna J. Fund, Chair Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board P.W. Bill Schulte, Vice-Chair Lewis County Commissioners Gary Stamper, Commissioner