2014-09-15 Board Meetings Minutes
September 15, 2014
The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington, met in regular
session on Monday, September 15, 2014; at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners F. Lee
Grose, Edna J. Fund, and P.W. “Bill” Schulte were in attendance. Chairman Grose
determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute.
Commissioner Schulte moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting
held on Monday, September 8, 2014. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion.
Motion Carried 3-0
Mike Coday, Chehalis, asked questions in regards to the Microsoft Dynamics program.
Sally Anderson, Adna, discussed a weed issues in her fields. She asked that the rock
pit people spray their rocks before distributing to the County for the roads. She also
discussed a concern on Deep Creek Road. There is a cedar tree that fell in the creek
and she is worried if it doesn’t get cleaned up that it will flood the homes.
Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve the Notice Agenda item one.
Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion.
1. Notice of Hearing: Regarding the 3rd 2014 Budget Hearing. Hearing will be held
on or after 10:00 am on Monday, September 29, 2014. Resolution No. 14-248
Steve Walton, Budget Administrator, stated this is a notice of a public hearing for the
3rd 2014 budget amendment. The hearing will be held before the Lewis County Board of
Commissioners on the 29th day of September 2014. The Notice of Public hearing will
be published in the Chronicle on September 18th and 25th. The total budget amendment
for all funds will be noticed as a revenue increase of $149,234, expenditure increase of
$445,182, for a decrease in fund balance of $295,948. The change in fund balance
uses previously received revenue that was not appropriated in the original 2014 budget.
The current expense portion of this amendment equates to revenue in the amount of
$20,926, expenditures of $281,273, for a total fund balance of $260,347.
Motion Carried 3-0
Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda item two.
Commissioner Fund seconded the motion.
2. Resolution No. 14-249 Approval of warrants and payroll for payment.
Chairman Grose stated this Resolution approves 232 regular warrants for a total
payment against the County in the amount of $988,951.60. This also approves 289
payroll warrants and 452 automatic deposits dated September 5, 2014 for a total
payment against the County in the amount of $3,550,736.85.
Motion Carried 3-0
Franchise to Cascade Networks Inc. for telecommunication facilities-Resolution
No. 14-247
Chairman Grose announced the hearing and asked for a staff report.
Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated this was an item that was tabled from last
week’s agenda. This hearing is for the purpose of granting a five year nonexclusive
franchise to Cascade Networks Inc., to construct, operate and maintain
telecommunication facilities on, under and across road rights of way in Lewis County.
This franchise will allow them to provided internet services. There was question last
week regarding the language in the agreement. That verbiage has been corrected and
Cascade Network has agreed to the changes.
Commissioner Grose asked if there were any questions. There were none. He closed
the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing.
Tim Elsea asked that his previous comments be adopted into the record.
Commissioner Grose asked if anyone else would like to testify. There was none. He
closed the hearing and asked for a motion.
Commissioner Fund moved to approve Resolution No. 14-247. Commissioner
Schulte seconded the motion.
Resolution No. 14-247 A nonexclusive Franchise to Cascade Networks, Inc. to
construct, operate and maintain Telecommunication Facilities in Lewis County
Rights-of-Way; and setting forth conditions accompanying a grant of a
nonexclusive Franchise; and providing for County administration and regulation
of the nonexclusive Franchise.
Motion Carried 3-0
There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned
at 10:26 a.m. on September 15, 2014. The next public meeting will be held
Monday, September 22, 2014.
Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are
not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the
Commissioners’ office.
ATTEST: F. Lee Grose, Chair
Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board Edna J. Fund, Vice-Chair
Lewis County Commissioners
P.W. Schulte, Commissioner