2010-08-02 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 2, 2010 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, August 2, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. COMMISSIONERS P.W. SCHULTE, RON AVERILL and F. LEE GROSE were in attendance. Chairman Schulte determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Grose moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, July 26, 2010. Commissioner Averill seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Averill made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items one through eleven. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Candace Hallom, Interim Clerk of the Board read the items into the record. 1. Resolution No. 10-190 Appointment of Fred Valdez as an alternate to the Lewis County Veteran’s Advisory Board. Danette York, Health, stated two weeks ago the Board approved an appointment to fill vacant positions on the Veteran’s Advisory Board. Fred Valdez was appointed as a member of the Board but should have been appointed as an alternate. The purpose of this resolution is to appoint Fred as an alternated for a two year term. 2. Resolution No. 10-191 Adoption of the amended 2010 Lewis County Schedule of Fees changing Animal Shelter fees. Danette York, Health, stated this resolution would amend the Lewis County Schedule of Fees for the Animal Shelter. The Animal Shelter has several different line item fees for different services they provide including adoptions. We have found that those fees are currently not covering the cost of operations and need to be increased. She then went over the major changes; separated dogs and puppies into two different categories, Large breed went up $10.00 from $65.00 for adoption to $75.00, Small breed went to $105.00 due to more people are willing to pay more for small breeds, Kittens and Cats increase by $10.00, Receipt of animals from the incorporated cities went from $35.00 per animal to $50.00 per animal, owner turn in went to a by animal charge (litters) with a minimum $45.00 charge, and the daily impound fee went up $10.00. 2 Commissioner Averill stated this resolution adopts a new schedule of fees at the Lewis County Animal Shelter. Fees are adjusted from time to time to reflect increases in costs for processing, certifications, administrative costs and other operating costs. The Cities charge licensing fees, they don’t have a shelter so they turn the animals in to the Lewis County Animal Shelter and are then charged for it. 24% of the animals come from the City of Centralia. The City charges licensing fees so they have the revenue to cover the increase. We have a large donor who has stipulated to us that if we do not raise the fees his donations will go down. One of the reason our fees are less then some of the Counties around us is we are getting considerable donations from people who are assisting us with the program. Danette noted that the City of Centralia also charges a turn in fee. 3. Resolution No. 10-192 Approving a contract with White Pass Community Services. Michelle Sorlie, Social Services, stated this contract is to provide funds for emergency shelter for homelessness and services to families. This money comes from the Department of Commerce to Lewis County and is distributed to our service providers. This contract covers motel voucher, rent assistance, and case management. The contract is for the amount of $45,350.00 for State Fiscal Year July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Commissioner Grose asked how many people are served with this money. Michelle stated she didn’t have the figure with her but will send the report to the Commissioners. 4. Resolution No. 10-193 Extending the closure of a portion of Sandra Avenue. Larry Unzelman, Public Works, On July 12, 2010 by Resolution 10-171 the Board of County Commissioners closed a portion of Sandra Avenue between Galvin Road and Ives Road from July 19, 2010 to August 6, 2010, Mondays through Fridays starting at 7:00 A.M. and ending at 7:00 P.M. each day of the closure to all through traffic for the placement of underground utilities within the Sandra Avenue right of way. Unanticipated complications during the installation of the underground utilities have delayed the project and an additional 2 weeks is needed for completion. This resolution will extend the road closure from August 6, 2010 to August 20, 2010, Mondays through Fridays starting at 7:00 A.M. and ending at 7:00 P.M. each day of the closure The Public Works Department will post the required advisory signs on both sides of the closure, and will notify 911 Communications, and the local fire department of the closure. 3 Commissioner Schulte stated this is a rolling closure and will continue to be a rolling closure. 5. Resolution No. 10-194 Formation of a Lewis County Utility Review Committee for the Vader Water System Service Area and appointing members. Barb Kincaid, Community Development, stated Lewis County has been working with the City of Vader and the Washington State Department of Health to be receiver of the Vader Water System. If the County decides to accept the receivership appointment, there are several procedural steps the County must take. This includes adopting an approved Water System Plan (WSP) and amending the County’s Comprehensive Plan incorporating the WSP into the Capital Facilities and Utilities Plan element. Before this can occur, statute requires the WSP go through a Utility Review Committee for a recommendation to adopt. Title 13 of Lewis County Code authorizes formation of a Utility Review Committee and establishes the composition and selection for such a committee. The proposed action is to form the review committee and appoint its members. The membership for the Vader Water System service area would be Commissioner Lee Grose, Lewis County Budget Director Dawna Truman, and Council member David Holland representing the City of Vader. 6. Resolution No. 10-195 Accepting dedication of additional right of way for Fords Prairie Avenue. Larry Unzelman, Public Works, stated Centralia Subdivision No. SD2006-5, recorded under Auditor File No. 3347746, subdivides property in the City of Centralia with frontage on Fords Prairie Avenue, a county road. The subdivision dedicates 10 feet of additional right of way for Fords Prairie Avenue to the County. This subdivision was not approved nor accepted by Lewis County since it was processed by the City; therefore a separate acceptance of the right of way by the County is required. It appears to now be in the best public interest to accept this right of way into the county road system as a part of Fords Prairie Avenue. Commissioner Averill asked if the plat is in the city limit or in the UGA. Larry Unzelman replied yes to both. The plat is in the city limits but is on a county road that is in the UGA. 7. Resolution No. 10-196 Bid award for the Small Works Roster Project: Materials Purchase-Maintenance Culverts. Eric Martin, Public Works, stated an Invitation to bid was issued by Public Works on June 29, 2010 for the materials purchase of culverts for 4 maintenance on Lincoln Creek, Radamaker, and Rakoz Road per our small works process adopted via Resolution 09-299. Project notifications were sent via email to five companies on the small works roster- Underground Utilities, Culvert category. Public Works received 2 bids for this project on July 12, 2010 with Contech Construction Products, Inc. being the only responsive bidder with a bid of $68,734.68. This bid is below the engineer’s estimate of $75,000. 8. Resolution No. 10-197 Bid award for the SWW Fair East Gate Repair Project. Michael Strozyk, Central Services, stated in May a small works bid call was issued for the East Gate Repair project. The SWW Fair sustained a significant amount of damage to various structures during the 2007 and 2009 floods. One structure in particular was the East entrance gate that is located along National Ave. Repairs were put in place to allow the structure to be used during the 2009 SWW Fair but a permanent solution is needed to allow for the gate to be flood resistant and meet ADA requirements for handicap accessibility. MDK Construction of Centralia, WA has submitted the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $36,800.00 with no Add/Alternate bid, for a total bid of $36,800.00. Additionally, Steve Larken from McLarens Young International has reviewed the plans along with a representative of our insurance adjustment firm MKA and they have also approved the plans allowing for reimbursement under our previously filed insurance claim. He noted that this project will not start until after this years fair due to it being a four to six week project. 9. Resolution No. 10-198 Declining the use of Recovery Zone Bonds. Robert Johnson, Community Development, stated January 25, 2010 the Board by resolution 10-030 indicated the intent to accept and use bond capacity allocated through the State of Washington under the American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009. Under that resolution there was a bond volume cap of $494,000.00 for recovery zone economic bonds and $740,000.00 bond volume cap for recovery zone facility bonds. After review it was determined that the County was not able to use the bond capacity because we do not have any private or public projects that are either willing to accept the bond funding or the projects are not ready. Department of Commerce requested the County let them know if we are not going to use the bond caps. This resolution would rescind resolution 10-030. A letter will be sent letting them know. Commissioner Schulte stated the problem with this is it is a loan and not a grant so we don’t have any project that can afford that. Commissioner Averill stated when this money was first offered by Department of Commerce we did pass a resolution the we were interested in looking at this as a potential source because in an era of hard financial times, 5 any assistance you can get you want to look for, but as Commissioner Schulte pointed out the bad side is it is a bond which means it raises money that you eventually will have to pay back. Department of Commerce has to close these out by October so we needed to give them notice early enough so if another County can use it. 10. Resolution No. 10-199 Authorizing a cash flow loan to Community Development Fund No. 121. Dawna Truman, Budget, stated due to reimbursement basis grants and the potential timing difference between the money coming in and the money being spent we would like to have a cash flow loan in place so the money is loaned to the Community Development fund and then paid back as the revenue is received for these grants. This year the primary increase was for an Ecology grant for home elevation which caused Community Development to spend $90,000.00 to $100,000.00 more then they had in there fund balance and then when the money comes back in it is repaid to current expense. The Ecology grant money was received at the end of last week but this type of funding and reimbursable grant happens frequently. So, instead of current expense just giving that fund the money the current expense would get that money back once the funds are received. Commissioner Averill stated that this is an import distinction. There are a lot of grants out there that you have to do the work before you get reimbursed. So, as a result, if you don’t have the money to front it you cant get access to the funds. 11. The following vouchers/warrants are approved for payment: 594197- 594360, 594361-594402, 594403-594430, 594431-594488, 594656-594758, 594759-594793, 595000-595020, 595021-595084 for a total of $1,482,609.40 Commissioner Averill stated Lewis County is currently in the middle of an Audit by the Washington State Auditors Office. It was discovered that the approval of vouchers and warrants need to be noted as part of a public record during a regular meeting of the County Commissioners. We have reviewed them all along but they were never part of our public record. If you go to the City of Centralia, City of Chehalis, and the other incorporated areas, you will find, as part of there normal consent agenda, the approval of vouchers and approval of payroll for their employees. The County is instituting this practice. As of this meeting there will be a vouchers and warrants on every meeting and twice a month there will be notice on payroll. This resolution approves 507 vouchers/warrants issued by the Lewis County Auditor’s Office for a total amount of $1,482,609.40. Motion carried 3-0 6 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:38 a.m. on August 2, 2010. The next public meeting will be held Monday, August 9, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: P.W. Schulte, Chairman Clerk of the Board Ron Averill, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Commissioner