2022-09-26 BOCC Wrap-Up and CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update September 26, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Doug Carey, Nic Scott, Jenn Libby-Jones, Becky Butler, Lara McRea, Eric Eisenberg, Grace Jimenez, Katie Conradi, Matt Jaeger, Michelle Sabin, Mindy Brooks, Vanessa Ruelas, Steve Wohld (9:12 a.m.), Meja Handlen Guest(s): A couple unnamed guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Wrap-Up items Business Meeting: Commissioner Grose made a motion to add to the Sept. 27, 2022, Business Meeting Resolution 22-311: Approve a drywall contract for 57 W Main Public Works Office project. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Doug Carey discussed the proposed resolution. He noted that the county received three bids, one of which was in line with the engineer’s estimate. Clean Buildings Act: Doug Carey discussed a letter the Department of Commerce sent regarding the Clean Buildings Act. Doug said he will meet with Commerce later in the month to discuss exemptions. Commissioner Pollock said she would attend. Calendars: The commissioners said Commissioner Swope would represent the BOCC at the upcoming Solid Waste Budget Presentation. Correspondence: Commissioner Pollock said she has reached out to the state Department of Transportation regarding the homeless encampment at Blakeslee Junction in Centralia. County Manager items Steve Wohld joined at 9:12 a.m. Legislative Roundtable agenda items: Erik Martin, Eric Eisenberg and Doug Carey reviewed potential legislative objectives, including topics related to: 911 communications. Public Works projects, including legislative appropriations. Erik said he would reach out to the county’s other electeds and then revisit the topic with the commissioners so they can identify their top priorities. The commissioners expressed interested in: • Variances regarding building sizes in LAMIRDs. Erik discussed a couple other potential topics: • Recreational immunity. • Fair restrictions under RCW 36.90.030. Announcements / new business: The group discussed a video honoring Commissioner Stamper as the anniversary of his death approaches. Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.