2022-09-27 SAO Exit ConferenceSAO Exit Conference September 27, 2022 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Shelly Stewart, Rodney Reynolds, Tucker Voetberg, Grace Jimenez, Nic Scott, Larry Grove, Kate Chatterton, Ellen Bray, Jill Nielson, Katie Conradi, Kendra Garrison, Lee Napier, Lisa Carrell, Meja Handlen, Melissa Dixon, Marni Larson, Sherri Dokken, Tina Hemphill, Eric Eisenberg, Graham Gowing Guest(s): Various members of the public and county staff Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. State Auditor’s Office (SAO) Audit Manager Lisa Carrell and Melissa Dixon said the State Auditor’s Office has completed its audit of Lewis County for fiscal year 2021. They said the SAO: • Identified no significant deficiencies in internal control. • Identified no significant deficiencies considered to be material weaknesses. • Identified no instances of noncompliance. They noted that the county has taken steps to implement its recommendations regarding previously misstated cash and investment / Fiduciary fund financial statements. Melissa noted that the SAO’s audit of the county’s federal grant compliance found: • No significant deficiencies in local control. • No deficiencies identified as material weaknesses. • No instances of noncompliance. Melissa noted that the SAO audited several programs, including: • Airport Improvement Program and COVID-19 Airports Programs. • Emergency Rental Assistance Program. • Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. • Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases. Lisa and Melissa gave special thanks to Grace Jimenez, Tucker Voetberg, the Auditor’s Office, the Treasurer’s Office and the Public Health and Social Services department. Grace noted that while the county’s grant load has tripled or quadrupled in recent years – and that staffing levels have remained unchanged – the county has continued to work diligently to ensure timely and accurate work. Meeting adjourned at 11:18 a.m.