2022-10-03 Economic Alliance UpdateEconomic Alliance Update October 3, 2022 1:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Swope, Nic Scott, Todd Chaput, Dolly Tardiff, Eric Sonnenberg, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Eric Eisenberg Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None. Richard DeBolt said members with Economic Alliance and Josh Metcalf are working on providing large scale projects for pre-design of their Dig Once pilot project. These projects will then be presented to the Commissioners for confirmation before submission to Legislature for additional funding options. Eric Sonnenberg said members from Economic Alliance are working with the Lewis County GIS team. Richard said he would like to see similarity when applying for permits from Centralia and Chehalis. Dolly Tardiff said her focus has been on the business development center to help find grants and buildings for local businesses. Dolly has also spoken with Joy from Eagles Nest about a non-profit agency in Lewis County. Richard said the annual banquet will be in February of 2023. Eric said there was a great turn out for the Alliance Open Golf Tournament. He said there have been a few smaller manufacturers seeking advice for business and the Port of Chehalis has seen building interest at properties within the Port. Todd Chaput said that Economic Alliance submitted their tourism grant for LTAC. They have also applied for grant funding for strategic planning. Richard said the Economic Alliance met with the Washington Economic Development Association (WEDA) for new opportunities to utilize different matching sources of funding for projects. Todd said the most recent .09 funding meeting had approved four projects and those will be presented to the Board for consideration. They are in process of updating the CEDS lists and will be asking for Commissioner approval. Richard said future applications will be asking for more reporting requirements. Commissioner Grose would like to see the dollar amounts removed from the application. Meeting adjourned at 1:59 p.m.