2022-10-05 Directors' UpdateDirectors’ Update October 5, 2022 9:03 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Becky Butler, Matt Jaeger, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Steve Wohld, Amber Smith, Nic Scott, Doug Carey, John Clark, Nicole Byrd, Justia Madrigal, Lara McRea, Linda Mastin, Matt Thuston, Kate Chatterton Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Becky Butler discussed a notice of hearing for the Lewis County 2022 budget emergency and supplemental appropriations to and transfers within current expense and various funds. Becky said she is awaiting amendment totals for a couple more offices / departments. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve Professional Services Contract Amendment #E01-0121- 21-B Between Lewis County and Educational Service District (ESD) 113 for Student Success Navigator Program. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to approve a grant award between the County and the City of Vader for engineering design and management services for the planning of improvements to the outfall diffuser Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to reappoint Brian Zylstra to the Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees. Amber Smith discussed a hearing to approve the de-annexation of a portion of Cemetery District 2. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing regarding the vacation of a portion of undeveloped 1st Street Right of Way in the town of Dryad. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing regarding the vacation of Meyers Road No. 1096 Road Right of Way. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items, three deliberation items and three hearings to the Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Announcements Mindy Brooks said the county will be eligible for funds in July 2023 to help craft its 2025 Comprehensive Plan update. She discussed coordinating with the cities to use the Planned Growth Committee to help craft the Comp Plan. The commissioners agreed to add the topic to the October and November Mayors’ Meeting agendas. Josh Metcalf discussed work planned for the Packwood and Toledo airports and gave updates on various road projects. Becky Butler discussed an upcoming budget amendment. She invited the group to reach out for OpenGov training and urged rate-setters to begin work on their rates. Matt Jaeger said the court and jail projects will kick off soon. Amber Smith said the National Guard band will perform from 1 to 3 p.m. Dec. 16. Meja Handlen said the county is updating its interlocal agreements with area cities for animal shelter services. Meja introduced new county employee Nicole Byrd. Wednesday Workshop The commissioners agreed to sign a letter of support regarding Port of Chehalis's Southwest Washington Grain Project. Commissioner Grose discussed the creation of a biorefinery. Calendars Commissioner Grose reminded the group that the Oct. 12 Directors' Update has been moved to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11, due to the all-day Budget meetings. Rieva Lester noted that there will be no Business Meeting on Nov. 15. Meeting adjourned at 9:27 a.m.