2022-10-31 Directors County ManagerDirectors’ Update / County Manager Update
October 31, 2022
9:03 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik
Martin, Barbara Russell, Lee Napier, Nic Scott, Eric Eisenberg, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Judge
Toynbee, Susie Palmateer, Daleyn Coleman, Doug Carey, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Matt Jaeger,
Mindy Brooks, Preston Pinkston, Stacey Werner, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Kate Chatterton
Guest(s): Harry Bhagwandin, John Christian, James Jackson
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Public comment: None.
BOCC Wrap-Up items
District Court’s request for a new Deputy Court Administrator position: Commissioner Swope made a
motion to approve District Court’s request for a new Deputy Court Administrator position.
Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
East Lewis County Public Development Authority (ELCPDA) vacancy: Commissioner Grose said the
ELCPDA has recommended the commissioners appoint Dennis Riebe to fill a vacancy on its board. The
commissioners said they would support moving the recommendation forward.
Purchase of 1258 S.E. Washington Ave., Chehalis: Eric Eisenberg said the Auditor’s Office will have
additional documentation for the commissioners to sign the following day.
153 Bergen Rd., Morton: At 9:10 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the Board would be going
into executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 5 minutes to discuss 153 Bergen Rd., Morton.
Executive session started at 9:11 a.m.
• At 9:16 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 5 minutes.
• At 9:21 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 3 minutes.
• At 9:24 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 3 minutes.
• At 9:27 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 3 minutes.
• At 9:30 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 3 minutes.
• At 9:33 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 2 minutes.
• At 9:35 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 1 minute.
• At 9:36 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 3 minutes.
Executive session ended at 9:39 a.m. Commissioner Pollock noted that no decisions had been made.
County Manager items
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding: Becky Butler said interest from the ARPA fund could be
swept into to the general fund should the commissioners wish to do so.
L&J Security Contract: Erik Martin said Phoenix has provided a proposed contract for security services.
He said one option is to move to armed security, which would increase the contract by roughly $1,100
per month. Erik noted that those who provide armed service tend to stay longer, so the county would
retain those Phoenix employees longer.
The commissioners weighed their options regarding extending the contract. The commissioners
approved extending the contract with Phoenix to include armed security.
Erik said he has requested an estimate for security at the courthouse.
Lobbying efforts: Erik said he will send a read-ahead and that the commissioners will meet with the
lobbyists the following week.
Budget: Becky Butler reviewed the following:
• 2023 budget planning / meetings / budget requests.
• 2022 budget year-to-date (through September).
• Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF): Becky discussed funding allocations and
approved uses for the funds. Commissioner Grose and Commissioner Swope said they’d like to
ensure the East County substation is fully funded.
Erik and Steve Wohld said the estimated cost for the substation – including a pole building and a bay – is
The commissioners discussed the additional costs that would associated with a brick and mortar option.
The commissioners directed staff to move forward with cost estimates and drawings.
Internal Services update
Fairgrounds fee schedule: Steve Wohld said he has changed building rental rates online to reflect a
higher rate for the first rental day followed by a less expensive rate for subsequent days.
For example, he said, the Blue Pavilion rate for one day would be $1,200, while two or more days would
be $800 per day.
He said other buildings also would follow a fee for one-day use, followed by a reduced rate for two or
more days.
Budget: Becky said a jail tour is planned for the Citizens Budget Committee members and that the
commissioners will review increase requests Nov. 9.
Community Development update: Lee Napier reviewed Community Development’s year-to-day permit
report. She said the number of permits is up but valuations are down a bit.
Meeting adjourned at 10:14 a.m.