2022-11-07 BOCC Wrap-Up CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager November 7, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Chief Chris Sweet, Shad Hail, Doug Carey, Nic Scott, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Rocky Lyon, Robert Bradley, Amber Smith, John Abplanalp, Meja Handlen, Lara McRea, Graham Gowing, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, NaphCare CEO Bradford McLane, Eric Eisenberg, Jenn Libby-Jones, John Christian, Matt Jaeger, Kate Chatterton, Tammy Martin Guest(s): Tim Pearce, Harry Bhagwandin Recorder: Rieva Lester WRAP-UP Public comment: None. Agenda changes: Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the Nov. 8, 2022, Business Meeting the following two notice items, three consent items, seven deliberation items and one hearing. Commissioner Grose seconded. Commissioner Swope made a motion to amend his motion to exclude Resolution 22-367. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion to amend the original motion passed 3-0. • Resolution 22-360: Notice of hearing regarding Ordinance 1339, which would expand Curbside Recycling Countywide and amend Ordinances 1136, 1136a, 1136b, 1157, and 1196. Rocky Lyon discussed the ordinance. • Resolution 22-361: Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed 2023 Annual Construction Program (ACP) and Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the years 2023- 2028. Josh Metcalf discussed the ACP and TIP. • Resolution 22-362: Approval of warrants / payroll. • Approval of minutes from the Oct. 25, 2022, Business Meeting. • Approval of minutes from the Nov. 1, 2022, Business Meeting. • Resolution 22-363: Declaration of surplus vehicles. Josh Metcalf discussed the resolution. • Resolution 22-364: Approve Amendment D to Contract TSAESG-CV between The Salvation Army and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. Meja Handlen discussed the resolution. Van swap: Shad Hail outlined Juvenile Court’s plan to swap its seven-passenger 2011 Dodge Caravan with Hope Alliance for its 15-passenger 2014 Chevy van. The commissioners approved the swap. • Resolution 22-365: Designate Lewis County Representatives on the Washington Counties Risk Pool. Erik Martin discussed the resolution. The commissioners discussed the merits of having an elected official represent Lewis County on the Risk Pool. The group said they would update the resolution to include Commissioner Pollock as the Alternate Director. • Resolution 22-366: Ratify an employment contract with Amber Smith for the Human Resources & Risk Management Director position. Erik Martin discussed the resolution. • Resolution 22-368: Appoint Dennis Riebe to the East Lewis County Public Development Authority (ELCPDA) Board of Directors. Rieva Lester discussed the resolution. • Resolution 22-369: Authorizing temporary interfund loan from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund No. 1420 utilizing the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Funds to the Broadband Capital Fund No. 3400. Becky Butler discussed the resolution. • Ordinance 1337: Amend the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and Associated Zoning Map Designations. Mindy Brooks discussed the hearing. In response from a question from Commissioner Grose, Mindy said the city did not choose to submit written testimony regarding the proposed changes to the UGA. Motion to approve the agenda, as amended – to exclude Resolution 22-367 – passed 3-0. NaphCare request: Chief Sweet requested a roughly $300,000 budget increase for the jail’s contract medical services (NaphCare). He said NaphCare has requested the increase due to rising inflation costs, insurance costs, competitive salaries for nursing staff and adding additional staffing. Chief Sweet said the original request from NaphCare was to increase the amount by $452,397.43 and that the company decreased its request to $298,253.57. NaphCare CEO Bradford McLane discussed the services provided. Public Health, Community Development and Public Works proposed 2023 fee schedule: Lee Napier discussed the proposed fee increases for Community Development. Lee Napier said the increases reflect cost recoveries. John Abplanalp said water-testing fees have not been increased since 2017. He said the fees reflect cost recovery, noting that the General Fund has been covering the gaps. Lee said the fees were adopted in the early 2000s. Lee Napier said Community Development has performed a lot of time-allocation studies to determine how much time is spent on various projects. She said Community Development has focused on streamlining its services. Meja Handlen echoed that approve for Public Health and Social Services. Meja noted that Lewis County has a higher number of festivals, etc., than Thurston County that is handled by a staff that’s one-quarter of Thurston County’s staff size. Meja Handlen discussed the proposed fees for Public Health and Social Services. Commissioner Swope said he cannot support increases to the area’s small businesses. Commissioner Grose echoed that. Meja said the Foundational Public Health Services dollars cannot be used to cover the costs. Meja expressed frustration that the state does not pay for food health safety. Commissioner Pollock said the fees do not cover the full cost of food safety. Erik Martin said current fees are not covering the costs. Josh Metcalf echoed that current fees do not cover current costs. He said the taxpayers in general end up footing the bill for big developers’ projects when the fees are not covered by the developers. Erik said it boils down to whether the county wants to recover its costs through fees. Meja and John Abplanalp reviewed proposed changes to the animal shelter fees. East County Substation costs and funding: Commissioner Grose made a motion to earmark $750,000 from the Local Tribal Assistance Fund for the East County Substation. Commissioner Swope seconded. Doug Carey said the building would be a pole-barn-type metal frame on a 6-inch concrete slab with four bays, with one bay to be dedicated for use as an office and restroom. Doug said he also will price it for a five-bay shop. Becky Butler said the project would have procurement policies to follow. Motion passed 3-0. Executive session: At 10:40 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the Board would be going into executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 5 minutes to discuss SEPA notification / DNR carbon project. Executive session started at 10:42 a.m. At 10:47 a.m., the Board extended executive session for 5 minutes. Executive session ended at 10:52 a.m. Commissioner Pollock noted that no decisions had been made. Commissioner Grose made a motion to join AFRC in the challenge to DNR’s SEPA determination. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. State of Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC): Commissioner Pollock said there have been concerns about EFSEC having jurisdiction in the county. She suggested reaching out to legislators to curtail EFSEC to only having involvement in multijurisdictional projects. Animal services: Commissioner Pollock discussed possibly partnering with neighboring counties on services, such as spay and neuter procedures. The commissioners supported the effort. LC Civil Service Commission: Rieva Lester said Candi Faupell’s appointment expires at the end of the year and that she has expressed an interest in continuing to serve. The commissioners said they’d like to have all appointments and reappointments follow a similar process. COUNTY MANAGER ITEMS New County Administrative Structure for Kittitas County: Erik said Kittitas County and WSAC have asked that Lewis County weigh in on a new county administrative structure. Commissioner Grose and Commissioner Swope said they would help. Commissioner Pollock said she likely will CRAB Board at that time. The group said they would look for another elected official. 2023 Budget review: Becky said the commissioners will review 2023 budget requests Nov. 10. She said she has prepared sheets the commissioners can use to evaluate the requests. Meeting ended at 11:10 a.m.