2022-11-21 BOCC Wrap-Up CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update November 21, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Mindy Brooks, Matt Jaeger, Graham Gowing, Shawn Kyes, Doug Carey, Nic Scott, Daleyn Coleman, Robert Bradley, Jenn Libby-Jones, Lara McRea, Linda Mastin, Michelle Sauter, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Steve Wohld, John Abplanalp, Meja Handlen Guest(s): Commissioner-elect Scott Brummer, Isabel Vander Stoep, John Christian, Bill Serrahn Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Wrap-Up items Becky Butler discussed Resolution 22-370: Notice of hearing regarding the Lewis County budget for 2023. Shawn Kyes discussed Resolution 22-371: Notice of hearing regarding a franchise to Lake Mayfield Community Club to construct, operate, and maintain water facilities in Lewis County rights-of-way. Shawn Kyes discussed Resolution 22-372: Notice of hearing regarding a franchise to Lakeside Village Water Systems, Inc. to construct, operate, and maintain water facilities in Lewis County rights-of-way. Daleyn Coleman discussed Resolution 22-349: Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to amend Resolution 22-252, the CBA between Lewis County and the Sheriff's Support Services Guild (SSS Guild) represented employees, to increase the employer contribution toward health and welfare contributions for plan year 2023 and clarify financial matters. Commissioner Pollock discussed Resolution 22-352: Approve $1,091,000 .09 (“Distressed Counties”) grant to the City of Chehalis for its “Bishop Road Water Loop” project. Commissioner Pollock said the project will support a singular housing development and asked whether the county should add stipulations regarding housing. Graham Gowing discussed Resolution 22-374: Accept an amendment with Washington State Conservation Commission for the purpose of increased funding to the County for the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP). Graham Gowing discussed Resolution 22-375: Approve Director of Community Development to enter into an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Lewis Conservation District and Lewis County for technical assistance to implement the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP), and authorize the Director of Community Development to sign on behalf of Lewis County. Shawn Kyes discussed Resolution 22-376: The proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Centralia Alpha Road Safety Improvement Project. Becky Butler discussed Resolution 22-377: Establish the rate of pay for a non-union extra help senior financial analyst. Matt Jaeger discussed Resolution 22-378: Authorize the Director of Information Technology Services to execute a purchase order with Cisco and Ednetics, an approved Cisco partner. Mindy Brooks discussed Ordinance 1337: Adopt Ordinance 1337 to amend the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and Associated Zoning Map Designations. Shawn Kyes discussed Resolution 22-379: Approve a franchise renewal to the Harmony Park Lot Owners Association to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities Lewis County rights-of-way. Shawn Kyes discussed Resolution 22-380: Approve a franchise to the Mountain Meadows Water System to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities Lewis County rights-of-way. Shawn said the proposal is for a new franchise. Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the Nov. 22, 2022, Business Meeting three notice items, two consent items, seven deliberation items and three hearings. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Lodging tax grants Lodging tax grants for 2023: Robert Bradley said the PA’s Office has re-reviewed the Packwood Trails’ lodging tax application and has determined the group cannot use lodging tax funds to build trails but could use the funds to operate and maintain the group’s trails. He said the group is a Packwood 501©, which would allow it to receive funding but that because it’s not a municipality, it could not use funds to build trails. Robert said the NEPA process would fall under capital expenditures. The commissioners directed staff to remove the Packwood Trails project from consideration. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) vacancies: Commissioner Swope said he would serve in Commissioner Grose’s place for remainder of year. The commissioners directed staff to advertise for a vacancy left by Trent Richardson’s departure. Correspondence: Commissioner Pollock discussed a threat the Canvassing Board received. County Manager items American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding Budget Winlock annexation: Erik Martin said Winlock has proposed an annexation of its Urban Growth UGA. Erik said the county’s interlocal agreement with Winlock outlines that in the event of an annexation, negotiations must take place regarding capital projects, such as Mickelsen Parkway and Highway 603. He outlined what those costs would be. Erik said the city would owe the county thousands for the Highway 603 project. Erik said there could be an opportunity for the county to recoup some of its .09 costs for the Mickelsen Parkway project. Internal Services Capital Fund transfer: Steve Wohld said he would like permission to alter a capital plan approved the previous month. He said he would like the commissioners to provide a lump sum transfer of up to $290,000 from REET II to the Parks fund for 2022 rather than having the Parks department individually charge items using project coding. Steve provided a memo that stated the following: “For 2022, efforts were focused on the Parks Revitalization and Safety Improvement Project (Parks Improvements, as noted on 2022 Capital Plan). Staffing allocations were determined at the beginning of 2022, and audited in October 2022. Fairgrounds Park has become part of the Parks System, and because of that, it is now apparent that staff spent more time on the improvement project than was originally allocated. Recommendation moving forward is to adjust 2023 allocations and track time each pay period as it relates to this project and others. “$350,000 was budgeted in the 2022 Capital Budget for repairs and maintenance of Fairgrounds park to conduct this portion of the improvement project. Additionally $120,000 was budgeted for internal staffing for the improvement project at Fairgrounds park. During the course of this ongoing project, it has been more advantageous to use qualified internal staffing to support this project rather than outside contractors. “The original request was to charge these items directly to Capital Funds with previously budgeted monies in Repairs and Maintenance and Salaries and Benefits. Again, this would allow the proper coding of allocated internal labor to the project. After having our Financial Analyst review the transfer and supporting documentation, it has been recommended to move the transfer of up to $290,000 of REET2 eligible project expenditures directly from REET2 to the 1160 Parks fund (as a lump sum transfer), rather than charging each eligible expenditure directly to Capital (REET2), as originally planned. Moving forward, we are training staff on how to properly code each item to allow for direct charging, which is a more desirable action. “Capital Account 3120 (REET II) will be the account paying for these activities, as allowable through normal regulatory requirements related to these tax/proceeds. The Capital Manager will be producing all required reports as it relates to the use of these funds for Parks maintenance.” Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve the modified request. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. 911 update Radio Services Technician II: Jenn Libby-Jones said she would like permission to hire a candidate at a Grade 126, Step 11 with a vacation bank and a higher vacation accrual. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve the Radio Services Technician II request. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Calendars / vacation schedule: Commissioner Swope said he would attend the Fire Commissioners’ dinner later in the day. Meeting ended at 10:01 a.m.