2022-11-21 Update with Lewis County SeniorsUpdate with Lewis County Seniors November 21, 2022 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Becky Butler, Ron Averill, Carol Brock, Jessa Lewis, Nic Scott, Judy Barr, Toby Schofield, Nicole Kiddoo, Kate Chatterton, Nicole Barr Guest(s): Commissioner-elect Scott Brummer, Harry Bhagwandin Recorder: Rieva Lester The group reviewed the Lewis County Seniors’s 2021 audit. Toby Schofield said the audit did not address internal controls, and Carol Brock noted that the firm asked for information about internal controls. Becky Butler noted that the rental of the buildings – for which the county is charging the Lewis County Seniors a $1 per year lease – has an estimated value $644,000. Commissioner Grose said he would like to see costs associated with operating the thrift shop. Carol noted that staff members did not receive pay increases in 2022. She said those making minimum wage saw increases linked to minimum wage laws. Carol said she cannot see a time in which the senior centers would be able to operate as a self-sufficient entity that doesn’t rely on county funding. Carol, Ron Averill and Jessa Lewis discussed the group’s need for the $100,000 contribution from the county to help cover the cost for the senior nutritional meals. Nicole Barr said the senior centers feed 300 seniors each week. Commissioner Grose noted that the county is already providing thousands to the seniors by leasing the buildings for $1 per year. He and Commissioner Pollock noted that the county’s contributions total roughly $775,000 annually. The group discussed the need to lobby the state for support for senior services. Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve 2023 funding totaling up to $100,000 for senior nutrition meals. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Nicole Barr said LMTAAA tallied 2,700 meals in September. Carol said the Lewis County Seniors group is still working on developing its 2023 budget. She said the group’s Night of Magic fundraising event has been rescheduled for March. She said bingo events will start in January and that the group has launched a monthly bunco night. Nicole said the group has replaced its Packwood site leader. Meeting ended at 11:58 a.m.