2022-12-27 BOCC Wrap-Up CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update December 27, 2022 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Tammy Martin, Matt Jaeger, Sean Swope, John Abplanalp, Lara McRea, Tailor Arrington, Nic Scott, Doug Carey Guest(s): John Christian Recorder: Rieva Lester Wrap-Up items Business Meeting: Commissioner Brummer made a motion to add to the agenda for the Dec. 27, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting Resolution 22-436: Reappoint Candi Faupell to the Civil Service Commission. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. West Connector project: Commissioner Swope said the Port of Centralia passed a resolution supporting the West Connector project. He said he and Josh Metcalf will give an update to the City of Centralia on Jan. 10. LMTAAA appointments: The commissioners directed staff to advertise for the LMTAAA appointments. Calendars: Commissioner Swope noted he will be attending meetings remotely for the week. County Manager items Budget: Becky Butler discussed changes to the budget amendment hearing planned for later in the day. Meeting ended at 9:38 a.m.