2023-02-06 BOCC Wrap-Up CM UpdateBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update February 6, 2023 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Amber Smith, Matt Jaeger, Doug Carey, Nic Scott, Eric Eisenberg, Grace Jimenez, Lara McRea, Mindy Brooks, Sherri Dokken, Troy Nichols, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Willie Painter, Daleyn Coleman, Grace Jimenez, Arny Davis, Michelle Sauter, Josh Metcalf (9:11 a.m.) Guest(s): John Christian, Russell Page, “Guest” Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. >> Wrap-Up 2023 legislative session: Commissioner Swope discussed capital transportation funding and using the $50.5 million in North Lewis County interchange funds for the Reynolds Road and West Connector projects. Erik Martin suggested regrouping with Josh Metcalf to ensure the county’s request is clear. Josh Metcalf joined at 9:11 a.m. Josh said the county would like early access to the Connect Washington funds to finish the work the county started in the last biennium. Commissioner Pollock said the Reynolds Road / Harrison Avenue project seems to be the most important fix. Erik and Josh said the Reynolds Road / Harrison Avenue fix will cost about $35 million, leaving $15 million available. Eric Eisenberg noted that Reynolds Road is listed on the Dig Once project list. Josh Weiss and Troy Nichols said they understand that flooding is a top priority for the county. Josh discussed upcoming bills regarding: • Response to Blake decision • HB 1267 / SB 5613 • SB 5604 expand use of local sales tax for mental health • HB 1720 • DNR request to enter into carbon leases for timber lands: The commissioners agreed to oppose the bill • HB 1740 / SB 5667: Commissioner Brummer said he would further look into the bill • 1670 • 1515 mental health • 1181 • 1628 • 5059 Resolution 23-035: Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve a nunc pro tunc fix for Resolution 23-035 to correct scrivener’s errors. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Capital projects, including funding options: Steve Wohld discussed financing options to make up for the $3.5 million capital projects shortfall. He and Doug Carey said the county also needs $5.5 million for the Jail HVAC unit. Steve suggested the following funding options: • Option 1: Secure a $9 million bond • Option 2: Secure a $9 bond million and pay off 2015 and 2020 bonds • Option 3: Secure a $6 million bond and borrow $3 million from the General Fund • Option 4: Secure a $7.5 million bond and borrow $1.5 million from the General Fund Steve and Doug said inflation accounts for $2 million of the $3.5 million and cost overruns account for about $1.5 million. Becky Butler cautioned the board to also consider future technology needs. Steve noted that the architects built in a 10 percent inflation cushion but that inflation added a 30 percent increase. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to proceed with the $9 million bond as outlined in Option 1. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Proposed Ordinance 1344: Rocky Lyon said the compost procurement ordinance has been updated and shared with the area’s nine mayors. Public Facilities District (PFD) vacancies: The commissioners directed staff to advertise the vacancies. East Lewis County Public Development Authority (ELCPDA) vacancy: The commissioners directed staff to advertise the vacancy. Letter to state regarding request to rename Riffe Lake Overlook in Gary Stamper’s honor: The commissioners agreed to sign the letter. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve minute folders for the weeks of Jan. 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2023. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. The commissioners reviewed their calendars. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.