2023-02-06 Succession planningSuccession planning
February 6, 2023
3 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik
Martin, Steve Wohld, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Amber Smith, Lara McRea, Larry McGee,
Nic Scott, Doug Carey, Matt Jaeger, Eric Eisenberg, Jenn Libby-Jones
Guest(s): None
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Public comment: None.
Erik Martin discussed plans to replace him. He suggested hiring a consultant, which he estimated would
cost $20,000 to $40,000.
Erik said he has reached out to three consultants: GMP Consultants, Karras Consulting of Olympia and
Columbia LTD of Colorado.
Erik said the commissioners could expect a timeline like the following if they hired a consultant within
the next couple weeks:
• Consultant would post the position early March
• Job would be open for six weeks
• Consultant would provide a narrowed list in May
• New County Manager would start July 1 at the earliest
The group discussed the need to hire the right person, not just fill the position.
The group discussed the possibility of hiring an interim county manager.
Erik suggested the commissioners work with the consultant to establish the salary for the position. He
suggested not tying the position to the salary grid and to establish an annual review process.
Meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m.