2023-02-08 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update February 8, 2023 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, Mindy Brooks, Eric Eisenberg, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Doug Carey, Gary Fredricks, Matt Jaeger, Rocky Lyon, Amber Smith, Alex Murray, Nic Scott, Casey Mauermann, Daleyn Coleman, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Matt Thuston, Sarah Hensley, Barbara Russell Guest(s): Isabellah von Trapp of Aspect Consulting, Jill Van Hulle of Aspect Consulting, Dan Penrose of SCJ Alliance, Gwen Ichinose-Bagley of the YMCA, Josh Sutton of the YMCA, Loria Yeadon of the YMCA, David Fisher, Dick Hopkins, Paula Hopkins, Jocelyn McCabe, Joe Rehberger, John Christian, various members of the public Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. >> Directors’ Update Eric Eisenberg discussed a resolution to issue a request for proposals to Engage in Collaborative Program Design for Operations of a Night-by-Night or Equivalent Shelter. Eric said the consultant is on contract through June, so making the move now would save money in the long run. Rocky Lyon discussed a notice of intent to lease the East Lewis County Transfer Station to the Lewis County Solid Waste Disposal District #1. Rocky Lyon discussed a notice of intent to lease the Central Transfer Station to the Lewis County Solid Waste Disposal District #1. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to accept a bid on tax title property along NW Ohio Avenue, in city of Chehalis. Josh noted that the 0.03-acre property did not sell at the recent tax auction and that the county had received a recent offer that would cover the back taxes. Gary Fredricks discussed a resolution to approve a memorandum of agreement between Lewis County and Washington State University (WSU) Extension. Amber Smith discussed a resolution to approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Correct the CBA between Lewis County and the Corrections Guild represented employees to correct Section 13.1.1. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to accept an agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Military Department for the FEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant and authorize signatures thereon. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to list the bids received and contractor selected for the Historic Courthouse restoration project #31-2218. Mindy Brooks discussed a resolution to adopt Ordinance 1343 to amend the Lewis County Zoning Map Designation. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to move three Public Works notice items (excluding the shelter RFP), two consent items, four deliberation items and one hearing to the Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Wednesday Workshop Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) vacancies: The commissioners directed staff to draft a resolution to reappoint Carol Brock, Heidi Buswell and Amy Turnbull and appoint Debbie Aust to the LMTAAA. 2023 legislative session: The commissioners agreed to oppose the proposed bill regarding DNR carbon legislation and to sign on to the American Forest Resource Council’s letter in opposition. Commissioner Pollock said she would testify about the legislation Feb. 10. Mineral Lake YMCA rezone proposal (Ordinance 1343) workshop Senior Long-Range Planner Mindy Brooks provided some background about the YMCA project, including the following timeline (with ** denoting public comment opportunities): • December 20, 2020: YMCA rezone application • July 26, 2021: Determination of completeness • August 5, 2021: Notice of application** • March 3, 2022: SEPA determination** • June 28, 2022: Planning Commission hearing** • July 12, 2022: Planning Commission recommendation • November 1, 2022: BOCC hearing** • November 8, 2022: BOCC decision to reject rezone proposal • November 22, 2022: Final vote on Ordinance 1337 • December 13, 2022: YMCA appeal • January 20, 2023: BOCC vote to rehear the proposal • February 14, 2023: BOCC hearing** • February 27, 2023: BOCC decision • March 1, 2023: Final vote on Ordinance 1343 Mindy said the complete record is available online at https://lewiscountywa.gov/departments/community-development/rezones/. Mindy reviewed the proposal, noting that the BOCC is responsible for deciding whether the use (Master Planned Resort) is appropriate at the location. She clarified that a use is not a project and that the decision must be based on the use regardless of who owns the property. Mindy reviewed Lewis County Code, which outlines the approval criteria the BOCC must use as part of its decision-making process. Mindy recapped the YMCA’s proposal and noted the following: • The proposal involves 500 acres north of Mineral Lake • The request is for Master Planned Resort overlay on Forest Resource Lands • The YMCA plans an overnight youth camp that would accommodate 400 campers, 100 staff, cabins, tent sites, trails and a dock • The Master Planned Resort requires 40 percent of land to remain open space • SEPA determination required restricted uses and sunset provision • The YMCA recently purchased additional nearby land that is not subject to the rezone request Loria Yeadon of the YMCA discussed the group’s mission and its focus on inclusion. Gwen Ichinose-Bagley of the YMCA discussed the SEPA and Ecology reviews and said she will submit written comments for the record. Commissioner Pollock asked how YMCA would address arsenic control and whether the YMCA would qualify as a transient non-community system. Dan Penrose of SCJ Alliance and Jill Van Hulle discussed arsenic treatment plans. Mindy discussed the EPA’s recommended policy regarding arsenic treatment. Commissioner Brummer requested that Mindy add to the record information about the treatment of arsenic to drinking water standards and treatment of effluent. Commissioner Brummer requested that Mindy add to the record information about Lewis County’s youth camps that are not zoned as Master Planned Resorts. Barbara Russell discussed the possibility of including approval condition regarding taxation. Gwen said the YMCA’s camps fill up a year in advance and that waitlists for the group’s summer programs typically include 100 children. Mindy outlined the allowed uses under Master Planned Resort as conditioned by the Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): • Lodges and cabins • Recreational facilities and areas • Cultural and entertainment facilities • Boat dock/marina as compatible with Shoreline Master Program • Required 40 percent land retained as open space She said the MDNS SEPA prohibited the following, which typically would be allowed under a Master Planned Resort: • Hotels, motels and rental homes • Single family and multifamily residential • Golf courses • Spa facilities • Commercial uses such as restaurants, shops, grocery stores, etc. Mindy noted that the YMCA’s most recently acquired land is not part of the proposal. Mindy reviewed the upcoming timeline: • 9 a.m. Feb. 8: Workshop (no public testimony). • 4 p.m. Feb. 13: Deadline for written testimony (send to mindy.brooks@lewiscountywa.gov). • 10 a.m. Feb. 14: Public hearing (open for oral testimony, commissioners will not deliberate or make a decision that day). • 11 a.m. Feb. 27: Commissioners will deliberate and direct staff on how to update the ordinance (no testimony allowed). • 10 a.m. March 1: Commissioners will vote on ordinance. Roundtable Becky Butler introduced Broadband Project Manager Larry Boehm. Larry discussed his work history. Amber Smith discussed upcoming work to update the Employee Handbook. Meeting adjourned at 10:47 a.m.