2023-02-13 Quarterly Update with PUDQuarterly PUD Update February 13, 2023 3:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, David Plotz, Nic Scott Guest(s): Isabel Vander Stoep, Jared Wenzelburger Recorder: Tammy Martin 2023 Legislative Session Update: David Plotz said the PUD is watching SB 1229 and HB 5366 regarding the utility shut off during extreme cold events. He said they are also watching bills concerning wildfire mitigation and the mitigation of risks associated with wildfires as well as HB 1427 concerning solar panel and net metering concept. Introduction of new General Manager, David Plotz, and his plan for the utility: David introduced himself to the board and said that he is a certified CPA and CFA in Washington. He has worked in international finance, and appreciates his time at LCPUD. New Lewis County PUD Board of Commission meeting schedule: David said the commissioners will meet the third Tuesday of every month at 6:15 p.m. He said that once a quarter, meetings will be held at the Morton office. Any special meetings will be announced accordingly. Update on south county substation and transmission project with a recap of the open house held on Feb. 9th: David said there was an open house for the Winlock substation that had a good community turnout. David said the goal is to have a smaller impact to the community and provide quality service. Clean vehicles program and possible exemption of fleet: David said there is a clean vehicle program required by Washington State. Currently, LCPUD’s vehicles are exempt. Starting in 2035, vehicles are required to be fuel efficient according to state standards. There will be exemptions for some vehicles such as emergency vehicles. David said that the vehicles currently in use do not meet those requirements. This affects the current resale of fleet vehicles that will be cycled out of use. David wanted the Commissioners to be aware of the impact to the county as these changes become law. Meeting adjourned 3:29 p.m.